back where we started

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Jake POV:

I was staring at the wall of the office thinking of everything I've messed up. Then my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID. Tessa. Tessa. No it can't be. My head spun as I read her name. I answered the phone.

Jake: Hello?

Tessa: Hey Jake. It's me, Tessa.

Their was a long silence through the phone. I can't believe I'm listening to her voice. How is she calling me after everything?

Tessa: I know this is unexpected.

Jake: It is. Um....

Tessa: I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to lunch?

The call ended. Was it a prank? No it couldn't be. I wanted to go to lunch though. Lunch is what I need, not because of the food. Because I need to talk to Tessa, about why I did what I did.

(Sorry for confusion, I basically just gave a perspective of the phone call on Jakes part of the call)

Tessa POV:
I walked down the hallway to the elevator. What I'm I gonna do? I just cheated on my sweet Anthony because I was mad. I walked into the elevator. I glanced at my phone to see I had multiple text messages from Chance and Anthony.

Anthony: Babe where are you?
Anthony: Tell me where you are I can pick you up.
Anthony: Answer babe please.

Chance: Where'd you go?
Chance: let's talk.
*end of text*

I'm not going to answer. I need space. I have way to many things going on to worry about them. I exited the main door out the apartment building and walked to my car. I knew where I was going. I hope they were ready for me. I drove to the direction to the house where everything started. This could change it all.

-5 minutes later-

I park on the side of the side walk where I would usually park. Fans still stood their screaming even though it was 12am. All I heard was 'Tessa where have you been?' 'How's Anthony?' 'Is Jake still mad at you?' I ignored all of the questions and I didn't take any pictures. Rude of me I know. But I have important stuff to do. I walked up to the front door and stood there for a second. I remember when Anthony and I walked out this door for the last time. I opened the door to reveal the Team 10 house. More things have been destroyed. The house was messier. I looked around remember everything that happened the day I left. I saw nobody here. I walked towards the back door where they put the office since I left. I saw Jake. He was sitting at his desk doing business stuff. I stared at the back of his head. I looked down getting ready for everything that was about to happen. I cleared my throat.

Tessa: Jake.

He turned around. He had a blank stare.

Jake: T-Tessa it's you.

Tessa: Yes, and it's you.

We both smiled.

Jake: Umm..

Tessa: I came here to talk about everything.

Jake: Yeah, I figured you did. Sit down, please.

I sat down in the office chair next to him.

Jake: I will go first because I wanted to tell you why I did what I did.

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