phone calls

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Jake POV:

Nick: Your stupid Jake!

I sat in the office with Nick and Erika as they stared at me and yelled at me. They kept calling me stupid for kicking Chance off Team 10 and they say I made a mistake. I know I did. But I just can't let anything else happen. And if he is freind with Anthony and Tessa he could start more drama. We don't need more drama. The fans already are hating a ton.

Erika: Jake... You, Are going to, M-mess up Team 10.

Erika stuttered over her words because she knows that those words could get her kicked off. She knows those words shouldn't be coming out her mouth.

Jake: No I'm not! This is just a fucking bump in Team 10!

Nick: It's not just a 'bump'! Chance and Anthony are stars in your vlogs! They are always in it and they make the vlogs funny.

Jake: I know that.

Erika: So what are you gonna do?

Jake: Everyone else is funny, we can use them more.

Nick: Yeah, sure.

Nick got up and left. He is furious with my choice. I am too. Erika followed behind him. I slammed my hand against the table. I really messed up. Erika was right, Team 10 is going to fall apart.

Tessa POV:

Chance and Anthony were playing on the x-box in the living room. I've been thinking about Jake. Like the reasons why I should forgive him. I can't really think of any. I mean Jake is a great person, I just feel like he is struggling with something and he decided to take it out on me. Which isn't the right thing to do. He should have talked about it. I don't even know if that's why he did what he did. My phone started ringing, it was Erika. I haven't talked to Erika since the day I left. I wonder why she is calling? She will probably get in trouble if Jake finds out. I answered the phone.

Erika: Hello?

Tessa: Hey.

Erika: Oh my god. Tessa. We need to talk.

Tessa: Yeah, we do. I've missed you.

Erika: I have too, everyone has really. Jake is struggling. He isn't the same. He gets mad at everything now. Jake misses you guys. I mean he kicked Chance off Team 10. And Anthony and You left. He's lonely. Three of his best friends are gone. Three of my best friends are gone too. Three of everyone's best friends are gon-

Erika's voice cracked.

Tessa: Erika you can get through this. It will be ok. Trust me. I want to come back, I really do. Give us time. Please?

Erika: Yes, I can give you time. I can try to talk to Jake. I love you, T.

Tessa: I love you, E.

Erika ended the call. I think I know what I need to do. I need to talk to Jake in person. About everything that has happened. I have to call him. I went to his contact and pressed the call button.

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