I Do - Chapter 58

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   I carefully lift up my dress, and step out of the car gazing at the beautiful beach seeing the family,and even stunning Carl standing there clueless.

"Are you ready?" Fiona asks with a smile grabbing ahold of my hand.

"Yes-yes I am" I smile looking over to Fiona then back at the beach.

"Then lets go!" Fiona excitedly says taking steps infront of me leading me to the beach.


I slowly walk to the main entrance to see a beautiful candle lit isle, with Carl standing down at the end waiting with a huge smile. As I began to walk I notice Frank coming by my side and tagged along with me smiling as Fiona walked away to take her seat.

"Thank you" I mouthed to Frank with a smile.

Frank just nodded and, gave me away into Carl's hands.

"You look absolutely stunning." Carl smiles looking me up an down.

"Do y'all see my wifey lookin all spicy and shit!!" Carl yelled to the crowd throwing his hands up in the air.

The crowd cheered, and then settled down as we started the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today, to see the lovely Y/F/N, and Carl Francis Gallagher marry as we all support,and express our love for these two. Before I'd like to begin I have to ask is there any objections? Please say now for forever hold you peace.The officiant announces looking up from his book.

  Me,and Carl both looked around to make sure no one objected. As a minute passed by we both smile at each other,and carry on.

"Okay let's begin, I believe these two have written their own vows if I am not mistaken?" The officiant asks looking at me, and then Carl.

"Yes!" We both say smiling

"I'll go first" Carl nervously says.

"Y/F/N, we first met when you,and your brother first moved in next door, I always thought you were hot and nothing more than that. I was stupid to underestimate you. You're the most adventures,beautiful,and smartest girl I've ever met. We may argue like a bunch of kids but, our love is way past just some kid love. You where there supporting me and pushing me when I never believed in myself. You made me work for you and earn your love, and therefore I did, and may I say it's the best decision I've ever made in my entire life. I am more than thankful to raise Franny with the girl of my dreams,and thank you Y/N for being a the strongest,loving,and most stunning girl in the world. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us!!  I love you forever and always. It's just you and me against the world baby." Carl says shedding a couple tears looking into my eyes squeezing my hands.

"I believe it's your turn miss."

"Carl Francis Gallagher, you used to be the biggest fuck boy I've ever met, if you would've told me years ago that I would end up marrying you I would've laughed in your face. Till I met the loving miss understood teenager who went to juvie to protect me, the boy who showed me around high school and most importantly the boy I fell in love with,without noticing. We've been threw hell an back together but the best thing was I had you along my side to be there and remind me that I have a family,and a loving boyfriend soon to be husband. Thank you for your love and, support threw out everything, and always taking your time with me no matter how badly you wanted it. You mean the world to me Carl Gallagher, and I am so lucky to be standing here today looking you in the eyes and being able to tell you this. I'll love you forever and always, even way after death does up apart. I love you Carl Gallagher, and I always will." I say sniffling with watery eyes, rubbing my thumb over Carl's.

"Now Carl Francis Gallagher do you take Y/F/N to be your lovely wedded husband, through sickness and health, through good times and the bad times?" The officiant asks looking down at the book.

"I do" He smiles

"And do you Y/F/N take Carl Francis Gallagher to be your lovely wedded husband, through sickness and through health, through the good and the bad times?" The Officiant asks putting down the ceremony book.

"I do!!" I yell shedding a tear.

"Carl Francis Gallagher you may kiss your bride."

"You don't have to tell me twice!!" Carl grins shoving his face into mine. As everyone stands up and cheers.


Don't worry this isn't the last chapter I'll be back with more updates !! Anyway you should follow my Shameless Instagram account it's


Also happy birthday to the love of my life Ethan Cutkosky I cannot believe he's 18 agh.

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