Home sweet home - Chapter 27

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I waited a couple hours till Carl fell asleep then , I broke the window in his kitchen and ran through it then I quietly walked up the stairs into his room and planted the heroin needle and the baggie of heroin in his underwear drawer. After I did all of that I took Frank's passport I found in Carl's drawer. After I walked out of the Gallagher home I took a Uber to the airport and flew away to New Mexico.

Good bye Gallagher"s...

Y/N's Pov :

Ian is it bad that I wanna go back home ?

No weirdo , you ran away with a lot on your mind I told you , you just needed a good rest and you would be back to normal.

Your right , It's getting late so can we drive back tomorrow ?

Of course , wanna go to the beach though ?

Anything to get out of this creepy motel.

Deal , let's go.

We spend hours getting in and out of the water and then more hours of just talking on the beach explaining how hard life has been and I can defiantly say I enjoyed this break from life and it felt nice to just talk and let it all out . Me and Ian eventually went back to the motel and passed out right when we laid foot in the room.

** Next morning

I woke up early and immediately sprung up and took a shower then I put on my same dirty clothes back on. As soon as I did I forced Ian to wake up and get ready to leave. I was really excited too see the whole family again and I was to excited to where I totally forgot about the problems waiting for me at home. As soon as Ian got up and awoke we got into the car and got drive threw breakfast. After we parked and ate we immediately got on the road and drove away.

Carl's Pov :

Okay Gallagher's Y/N will be home in a couple of hours , Ian texted me and told me let's clean up the house and make her feel special when she get's home.

A couple hours went by of all of us cleaning and getting the house to look nice for Y/N. All of the sudden I heard the front door creaking open so I sprinted down the stairs and had a huge smile on my face till I noticed it was Ian ?

Well no welcome home too me.

Wheres Y/N ?

Go check upstairs love bird.

I ran up the stairs and saw her crawling through my window.

Y/N's Pov :

I was climbing through his window to surprise him and I heard him running back up the stairs so I quickly climbed threw and closed the window but , he came in while I was still climbing in it.

"Well so much for surprise" I say as I slightly laugh while putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

Before I could even sit down Carl runs into my arms and lifts me off my feet and immediately takes me to the bed ;).


Will Bonnie get in between you and Carl and is Carl gonna leave again ? Find out soon :). Also I have a Shameless Instagram please follow it's



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