Leaving home - Chapter 32

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As they said those words my heart sank I felt sick to my stomach I couldn't believe anything they just said. I had to leave the love of my life and my family.

* Couple hours later

I'm back at the Gallagher home me and Fiona haven't even spoke I just went straight to Debbie's room and started packing my stuff until I got distracted by a phone call

Hello ?

Hi Y/N , it's your Aunt Sandy I'll be on my way to pick you up now , so be ready bye *hangs up*.

I ran downstairs crying to Fiona I felt heartbroken and I felt useless.

I'm so sorry Fiona I let you down I let carl down and I let this whole family down.

Hey no you didn't you are a beautiful and amazing girl Carl is in love with you Y/N , we all love you and we will be here waiting for you to come back home it won't be forever I promise and I'll come and visit you with Debbie I promise.

You promise to not forget about me.

"It's gonna take a lot more then my brain to forget about you Y/N your family and family doesn't get left behind I promise." Fiona said as she hugs you.

I heard a knock at the door so I ran upstairs and grabbed all my shit but , I gave a note to Fiona to give to Carl for when he gets back and I'm not here.

"Hi I guess your here to pick Y/N up" Fiona said in slight attitude.

Yes indeed is she home ?

Yeah she's getting her shit.

Okay tell her to meet us in the car.

Will do

I came down the stairs slowly and gave Fiona a big hug then walked out the door without looking back. I had some tears running down my face as I sat down in the car.

Hi honey , I'm so excited for you to be coming home with us.

Screw you

Hey don't be a bitch Y/N.

You took me away from my family.

They aren't your family we are and your gonna stay with us until your 18 and wanna leave but , I'm sure you won't after you see how amazing your real family is.

I will never consider you my real family , you can all die like half my family already did.

Hey your mom was my sister and your brother was my nephew now show some goddamn respect you bitch.

Oh boo hoo cry me a fucking river for all I care.

Your a monster Y/N I don't understand how you turned into this bitchy teenager.

I would have loved to visit you but , you decided to take me away from the people I love so there for I will never show you or anyone in this shitty family respect do you understand ?

Whatever we are here , we aren't too far away from your south side fake family so don't worry about being to far to sneak out.

"They are a better family then this one will ever be thank you very much" I say as I slam the car door and run into my room.


Sorry for boring chapter it's gonna get better I promise anyway,you are already off to a rough start , how will your "family" be and what will Carl think when he gets home soon ? Find out soon , Also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please it's

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