Darkness within - Chapter 43

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      I felt my heart sink to my feet , I couldn't show any emotion. I turned over to the side and curled into a ball and laid in silence.

"Babe you have to say something , anything." Carl stutters.

"I don't know if I can say anything about this Carl I just can't." I sniffle, not making any eye contact.

"You're a strong and independent young girl , and I'm so sorry I forced you to have this child and put you in this danger." Carl says wrapping his arms around me.

     I didn't say anything , I couldn't say anything, I was speechless and emotionless.

"We will give her a beautiful funeral and we will always celebrate her birthday as if she's with us." Carl says in a high tone.

"I don't want to ever remember her ever again." I mumble.

"Wha-what why ?" Carl stutters, loosening his arms around me and looking down at me.

"Because now it's the last heartbreak I will ever feel , everyone I love dies my parents my brother and now my baby , I can't take anything else Carl I just can't." I cry.

~A week later~

"Good morning beautiful." Carl whispers into my ear.

"Go away Carl" I mumble.

"Y/N, nobody has seen you since before the birth , we need to all see you and talk this out and you have to let the pain in and then sooner or later you will accept it and move on." He whispers.

"I don't know what you're talking about Carl I'm fine , nothing even happened." I say getting up with a smile.

"You can't ignore this forever love." Carl says leaving the room.

       I've been hiding my feelings from everybody because I don't want pity and I don't want to remember the moment. I still have a scar where I was stabbed and that's a forever reminding of one of the worst days of my life. I started to cry and as soon as I let one tear out I heard the door open and the whole Gallagher family including Frank was standing in the door way.

"What never seen a mother cry over her child's death." I cry, frozen in place.

         Everyone speed walked to the bed and gave me a hug for the longest time ever , they played with my hair and gave me loads of love letting me just cry without saying anything. It felt nice to finally let it out but I know this is just the beginning of  the remorse. Everyone left the room except for Debbie and her baby.

"Hey Y/N I thought you wanted to meet Franny my daughter." Debbie slightly smiles sitting on the bed.

"I'm happy for you." I smile

"It's okay if you feel hurt over loosing a child Y/N but you can always treat my child as your own." She added.

"T-Thank you Debbie but that's not my place to be." I stuttered.

"I put you down as her godmother so if anything happens to me you will take care of her and be there for her , can you promise that?" Debbie asks.

"Of course Debbie thank you so much." I weakly smile, giving her a huge hug.

"No problem, I love you forever and always Y/N , we all do."


Sorry for boring chapter but next chapter will be bomb so be patient. Also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please it's

Heyo I have a new Fan Fic of Dylan and Cole Sprouse it's lit as fuck go check it out doggo.
-Alexis :)

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