Gallagher Christmas - Chapter 9

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     ** Gallagher home

"Psst, Y/N, wake up." Fiona whispers.

"Huh? -wha-wha-what am I doing home?" I say, confused.

     "The doctor slipped a knock out pill in your IV last night so we could surprise you, and you would wake up home in your bed." Fiona smiles.

"Thank you Fiona, how is Carl ?" I asked.

    "How about you find out, we are all waiting for you downstairs so we can open our gifts." Fiona says with a wide smile.

"I'm sure he hates me now." I frown.

"No way, it was his idea to bring you home early." Fiona says.


"Yeah, now get dressed and meet us downstairs." Fiona gives me a hug.

"Okay thank you Fiona."

"No problem sweetie."

         I get up slowly, without hurting my hip. I keep my shorts on, but I put on a cropped white sweater and put my hair in a bun, then go brush my teeth and head downstairs to see a beautiful Christmas tree and some tiny gifts under it with Carl, Lip, Liam, Fiona, Debbie, Ian, and even Frank all over, waiting for me on the floor with bright smiles. We all ate Christmas breakfast and now we are opening the gifts. We all got eachother one gift, because money was tight, but that's all we needed.

"Carl you can hand out your gifts first." Fiona says as Frank is already asleep.

"Well Y/N here you go and for the rest of you here you go." He said handing me a gift.

As I opened mine it was a a tiny box , when I open it is a weed necklace that says Gallagher . I bursted out laughing and kissed Carl on the cheek and said "Thanks it's amazing." Carl just gave everyone else money so I guess I was the special one.

"Okay Y/N hand out your gifts." Fiona said

"Here Carl and to everyone else." I said handing out my gifts.

"Omg Y/N I love it , this skateboard is hella fucking dope thanks home girl" . Carl said in excitement.

And as for everyone else I got the girls rings , and the boys coffee mugs , I know I'm lame but what more could I do.

As the rest of the giving out gifts we all mainly got money or jewelry which is amazing considering this is my first Gallagher Christmas and hopefully not my last. We all may have fucked up lives but when it comes to family we make sure we put 100% effort and that's all the counts.

** Christmas night

"Guys dinner is almost ready come down stairs" Fiona shouts

Me and Carl were outside I was smokeing and he was skateing. We ignored Fiona for a good five minutes till we finally went inside and saw everyone already sitting down waiting.

"Thought you guys would never come" Lips says sarcastically.

"Shall we all eat this badass dinner that Fi made or should we all be dumbasses and talk ?" I said followed with a laugh.

"Let's dig in." Lip said

**After dinner

     "Hey guys I know we don't usually do this but since it's Y/N's first Gallagher Christmas how about we watch a Christmas movie ??" Fiona said

"That's a great idea Fiona" Debbie says.

"Sure I guess I'm good with that Fi" I say with a smile.

"Okay great we are gonna watch
(insert your favorite Christmas movie)." Fiona said

"Oh great I love that one" I said with a smile.

"Great" Fiona said putting the disk in.

"Y/N wanna come over and lay with me" Carl says with a smirk.

"As longs as you keep your hands too yourself yes." I said with a chuckle.

"Aight aight can I atleast put my arm around you ?" Carl asked

"Yes dumb ass you can cuddle with me but no where lower then my injured hip."

"Fine fine."

*** Yay you made it through your first Gallagher Christmas how exciting can't wait for New Years right ;) keep reading to find out ... Also I have a Shameless Instagram account it's
Follow thanks.

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