Take a bullet - Chapter 44

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Hours flew by I basically just sat in bed either crying or laughing at how pathetic I was I lowkey felt like I was going insane but , at the same time I was just grieving.  

~Debbie's Pov~

     I felt heartbroken for Y/N she lost her child after all that time taking care of herself and me and my baby , I was such a bitch to her when she was trying to help me , so now it's time for me to help her and that is getting revenge.

"Carl I have an idea." I look up at him.

"And that is Debbie ?" He asks crossing his arms.

"I'm gonna go get revenge." I smirk

"And what does that mean for you ?" He frowns his brows.

"I'm gonna go stab one of his gang members and tell them it's for the passing of her child." I say playing with my Franny's hair.

"Debbie no you have a child now you can't act like the Milkovitches." Carl says raising his tone.

"Fine If you won't help I'll actually get the Milkovitches to help , we can either do this Gallagher style or Milkovitch style your choice." I say putting Franny in her seat.

"Fine Gallagher style it is , what's the plan super women." Carl rolls his eyes.

"Well I need you to drop me off at the Gangs Shed House and I'll handle everything else and just pick me up like 15 minutes after you drop me off." I say with a serious face.

"Fine , are we gonna go now ?" Carl asks

"Yeah , if anything happens give this note to Y/N , do not read it." I say giving him a letter.

~The Gangs Shed House~

    I got out the car and had the knife hidden in between me and my pants , I walked up to one of the gang members and asked where Lamar was but little did I know he was right behind me.

"Looking for me sweetcheeks ?" Lamar smirks.

"Actually yes so you can witness this." I say stabbing the gang member in front of me.

"THIS IS FOR KILLING Y/N's BABY" I scream and run.

    As I was running I could hear Lamar screaming when all the sudden before I can get back into the car I felt something impale threw my heat. I 
immediately collapsed to the ground and blacked out.

~Carl's Pov~

I got out the car and it was to late for me to carry her in the car so I screamed to Lamar to get out of here or else they would be arrested when the ambulance got here. They all scattered and ran when they heard the sirens pulling into the shed area. They put her in the ambulance and I ran into the car and drove to hospital. When I got there I called the whole Gallagher family and they all came running in , including Y/N.

~Y/N''s Pov~

As soon as I heard Debbie had an accident I wiped my tears away and ran with the Gallagher's to the hospital I was holding Franny in my arms while Liam was holding my hand. We couldn't see Debbie until they knew what condition she was in so all we could do was wait.


Whoopsie I'm sorry ... but I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please its

I have two new books out one is "Murder Scream" it's based off the 1996 movie Scream with a twist then I have a new Fan Fic about Dylan and Cole Sprouse , they are both X reader , go check them out please it's Litty.

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