New deals - Chapter 5

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** 6 months later

I've been taking care of Liam a lot lately, while Fiona has been getting jobs and no one else is home to care or even help me, but what can I do, I promised Carl I would take care of his family and that's what I will do. As I go upstairs to put Liam to sleep, I hear a creek sound, like a door opening. I immediately put Liam in his crib and grab the bat behind his crib, walking downstairs, ready to swing. But before I swing, I see... "CARL!?"

"That's me..." He says, walking in the door.

I dropped the bat and ran into his arms.

"What? did I miss a funeral?"

"No, smart ass, -what-what-what..." I stuttered, looking him in the eyes.

"Stop stuttering shawty, what is it?"

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in for another 6 months." I brightly smiled at him.

"Apparently, the guy that ratted us out said that he 'didn't want me to be in juvie for something I didn't do.' So, he told them it wasn't me and they said they would shorten my time in there." He smiled, looking around.

"That's great Carl, you're back."

"Yep, that's me, Carl Gallagher, back to fuck some bitches up." He laughed.

"Damn, I thought you would be different." i say with a frown.

"Oh I am, but not my dirty mind." He smirks, raising his eyebrows. I laugh at him.

"Oh, well are you Hungry or anything? Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked, gesturing to the living room.

"Damn shawty, chill, I just got home. I'm gonna go back to the streets and meet up with some old hoes." He says, turning around. I place my hand on his shoulder and stop him.

"No, stay for tonight, I've been alone every since you left and it's great having you back so early. Please, Carl." I begged him.

"Shawty, you never wanted me before I went away, don't start wanting me now. I'm gonna get my shit and head out. I'll be back later, bye." He says, already out the door.

I started shedding tears as he walked out the door. I don't know why, but all I wanted to do was be wrapped in his arms, knowing I'm safe in them. I've never felt this way, and I don't know what's going on, and with New Years around the corner I felt even more sad. The next year was gonna be the same depressed shit.

** Later that night

I didn't tell Fi or anyone Carl was back, because they would have stayed up and waited for him to be home like me right now, and they need sleep. They all looked tired when they came home. As I waited for Carl, I got some fruit, and sat on the floor, thinking about when Carl is gonna come through that door.

Moments later, Carl came back.

"Carl you're back.." I say, getting up, "what are those on your neck?" I say a bit angrily, pointing at the large purple marks all down his neck.

"The hoes got pretty wild seeing me back so soon." He laughed, closing the door.

"Are you kidding me Carl!?" I yelled a bit, raising my tone.

"What now?" He yawns, looking at me with a bored expression. I scoff.

"I was so happy to see you, and I even cried, ㅡand you know I've never cared enough to cry, but I missed you so much, and you just threw me over for some hoes that only want you for your looks." I look down angrily, "Well fuck you, Gallagher." I yelled, turning stomping up the stairs.

Carl's Pov :

Fuck, what she just said felt like a dagger going through my heart. I don't know why it felt that way, but now I felt bad, ㅡshe waited for me through these rough months and took care of my family. I owe her everything, and I just treated her like some homeless person. Fuck, Gallagher you're so stupid sometimes..

Y/N Pov :

I  get some sweatpants on and a tee shirt and throw them on, then did my hair in a messy bun. I turn on some of my favorite sad songs and plop down on my bed, trying to fall asleep when I hear a sudden knock on my door.

"Whoever it is, please go away." I groan.

"It's me, Y/N..." Carl said through the door.

"Then yes, definitely go away." I rolled my eyes and hid my face under my pillow.

"Listen I'm sorry."

"Don't wanna hear it, Gallagher!"

"Well your gonna, I'm sorry Y/N, you're my baby and my best friend, you took care of my family when I was gone and changing. I appreciate that, I'm sorry Y/N, I really am. I'm going back to school in a couple of days and if you wanna try with me, I would love that because you're my best friend and my motivator, I love you shawty." He spills, leaning his forehead on the door. I sigh, removing the pillow from my face.

"Welcome home, Gallagher I love you too."

*** Well Carl is back early thats exciting right ,what will school have in store for you and Carl ? , find out soon ;) Also I made a Instagram for Shamless go follow its

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