18. Emotional Meadows

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"Well, we're supposed to ha-"

"Hey!" Justine emerged from the house beaming. She looked absolutely beautiful.

"Does dad know you're leaving with this....guy?" Her brother nodded his head in my direction.

"Oh shut up, he knows. Get back to your chores you brat." She slid into the passengers' seat and turned to me holding up her new phone. "Let's hope I don't drown this one."

"Yeah let's hope. Ya'know, I don't think your brother really likes me...." I chuckled.

"He doesn't know you, and he hates everyone upon first meetings..."

"First? Are you saying he'll be seeing me more often?" I laughed and started the car to back out.

"Don't hit the mailbox, I always do. Ends up in an argument about my judgement being irrational. It shouldn't be at the end of the stupid driveway anyway."

"You're great at avoiding question Justine." I pressed the gas and headed towards downtown.

"I do not avoid questions."

"Yes you do." I glanced over at her as she tried to busy herself with her phone.

"Now, what are you doing? You're just scrolling through your apps."

"I am not, I'm organizing them based on color." She shifted so I couldn't see her screen. Guilty as charged.

"Mhmmm, anywhere in particular you wanted to go? I have a few places in mind, we have the whole day."

"Nope, I can't think of a single place, although, I've been eyeing these jeans in forever21 for like 3 months." She placed her sunglasses over her eyes and looked out the window. "I want them on my body."

I stopped at a red light and watched as a father carried his little girl across the street. I sighed, "You're beautiful, you know that?"

She didn't say a thing, she just looked out the window. So, I did the only thing I could think of... I leaned towards her and bit her shoulder.

"What the- Bradley!! Freaking ow! I cannot believe you just bit me, you dick."

"I said you're beautiful." I smirked and hit the gas. "Ok ok so remember that story I was supposed to tell you?"

She glanced over at me with a sparkling interest in her eyes. "You finally gonna tell me about it?"

"You ever been rock climbing?"

"Nope, I've ne-" she paused "hey, could you pull over here?"

I looked out the window and noticed shed been staring at a meadow, "sure." I pulled off to the side of the road and watched as she slid from the car. I didn't bother to say a word, I just followed her.

She stopped to sit under a tree and started picking at the flowers "Justi-"

She cut me off, "isn't it just beautiful out here?" She sighed as she twirled the stem of a dandelion between her fingers. I wanted to kiss her but, I wasn't sure how she'd react. Besides, we've hardly known each other for that long.

"Yeah, it is." We sat in an almost too comfortable silence for about 30 minutes before she spoke again.



"I'm going to say this now be- before I never get the courage to do it again. I like you, I like you and I hope that even if just for- just for a second you're actually interested in someone as dull as I am." Justine sighed, and I can just tell by the tone in her voice that saying something like that was extremely out of her comfort zone.

I sat and searched her face for something, anything, those words left her mouth so easily and now she was sitting beside me with an expression as cold as stone. I didn't know what to say, and even if I did how would I say it?

After a few seconds she stood up and started to walk away.

"Wait, Justine just....just wait." I watched her as she stopped dead in her tracks as I stood and walked over to her. As if it were an instinct I wrapped my arms around her waist and she placed her hands over mine as I rested my chin on her shoulder and sighed. It was almost like some crazy romantic shit you see in those? Hollywood love stories.

"Is it really that hard for you to believe someone's interested in you? Hell, I'm more than interested, I like you too Justine. I like you a lot and, I really hope you believe me, I love the fact that you're so beautiful and rude and stubborn and-"

I froze when she shifted her position so that she was facing me.

"And what? I feel like you're just making a list of insults." She smiled.

"Me? Insult you? Nope you'd kick my ass." I pecked her forehead before we turned to walk hand in hand back to my car.

I never would've thought I'd be standing in a fucking meadow confessing my emotions to Justine. Let alone any woman, ever. What the fuck dude.

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