Keeping The Faith

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It did not go the way we wanted it to, that's fairly easy to say.

We expected a big win, we got a last minute draw, two points dropped and wasted, sitting miserably in a mid-table position.

I'm fairly sure that's how this who summer felt, practically described in the whole match. 

Much left to be desired on the transfer ins front and much, much left to be desired from our defence. It felt that some one was sleeping on both fronts.

Our attack, for a while, was missing. And it seems, for the second match in a row, Coutinho will also be missing. 

Midfield was run over and so was our bids for our top signings all throughout this summer. It was almost like a reminder that we ended the season off on such a beautiful high only to come back and miss the marker on how to hit the campaign with a running start. Be top of the PL after the first week and show everyone who really runs things. Have Salah score a hat trick so Chelsea can realise that they missed out on a fantastic player those seasons back and already have him beat his Chelsea tally in a match.

But we didn't do any of that. 

We were utterly and truly exposed and if it weren't for Chelsea, think we would have been the talk of the weekend with a fair few laughs being smattered about it. 

Certainly, though, Watford was not the end and never will be. 

An uninspiring draw away from home may not be the start to a big season that we expected, but it certainly isn't the defining match of the season. Heck, the season, as previously mentioned, started not too long ago. It'd be a serious disservice to ourselves to give up this quickly.

In less than twenty-four hours, we go against Hoffenheim, our first Champion's League opponent in a long time. At first, we were ecstatic but now we seem to be dreading the fact that we're here.

The draw against Watford should not stop us from enjoying the trophy hunt we were made to be in. It should only empower us to make sure people realize how amazing we are to bounce back in a somewhat short amount of time and reclaim our place as one of the best in the world.

Our misfortunes in transfer should only make us excited about the news that's coming up now in the transfer fronts. Now, there is a much-needed sense of energy and smarts when it comes to getting the right people.

I get that this wasn't the summer we expected. It's as if we stepped into alternative dimensions where we were the one's that got Europa and not Arsenal.

But we can make these unexpected moments our own. We can and will build off of these mistakes. With lowered expectations, we're setting ourselves up to be the dark horse of the PL yet again. It may not be under the circumstances we expected, but to come into our second PL match disappointed simply isn't something we can do.

A bit over two weeks until the window closes shuts close for the season to truly get under way. Until then, let's be loud and ready supporters for the club. Coutinho's transfer request may have rattled us and Van Dijk along with Keita not being here frustrated us, but we're definitely not out for the count immediately because of this. If so, Spurs should simply count themselves in for a mid-table finish this season as they haven't brought in a single person. We could be mid-table buddies then, with the way some LFC fans think we're heading, acting as if FSG are the new Hicks and Gillett with how we aren't signing all the Morata's and Lukaku's and Neymar's out there in the world. Which is a miserable way to live because I honestly think we're not too far away from this way of spending, even though we'll do it in a much smarter way.

Don't worry about the club, though. We aren't in the horrid times of Woy Hodgson and just about being bankrupt. We're currently a step away from being proper CL opponents and sending a bit of fear into other club's hearts when they draw us. We're going to have a bad match every once in a while. We just happened to have ours a bit earlier. Time to pumble the others into dust as we run through. Up the Reds!

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