What's The News Sayin' Now?: Transfer Requests

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I should make a Youtube account. Just so I can film myself screaming about how good this is. Or, I should just put a link to how RedmenTV is responding to this. Or MaychTV, Paul's personal one. 

But, the news we've been waiting for has happened. Since basically June, we've been hoping for this to happen, only for us to have the door slammed on our hand and issuing a public apology and having to end all interest. Now that he's submitted it, it shows that he really does want to go and Southampton will basically have no choice but to send him out as they were going to force him to pay a fee for not playing with his teammates for so long (has Diego Costa also done this??) and then resulted in this:

"Unfortunately I feel I have no alternative after I was given notice of the Club's intention to impose a disciplinary sanction against me of a fine equivalent to 2 weeks wages. I will be appealing what I feel to be an unjustified sanction and their inability to follow the correct disciplinary protocol in due course.

Over the past six months I have held numerous discussions with representatives of the board, the former manager Claude Puel as well as the new manager Mauricio Pellegrino to inform them all of my desire to leave the club in search of a new challenge.

I am incredibly ambitious and want to achieve as much as I possibly can to fulfil my potential in what is a very short career as a professional footballer. I want to play European football again and challenge for major honours and as such I would like Southampton to consider the interest in me from top clubs should it still exist.

I have been left frustrated by the club's position that I am not for sale and am disappointed that enquiries from multiple top clubs have been consistently rebuffed.

The period of time that I have just spent injured and unable to play has put a number of things into perspective and made me realise just how important it is to take major opportunities should they arise.

I have consistently relayed my feelings to senior management at Southampton in what I believed to be private and personal conversations. Disappointingly, these conversations have regularly found their way into the media.

I would also like to make clear that I have never once refused to train. I can confirm that I was asked about my frame of mind and for all of the reasons mentioned above I was open and honest in saying that I did not feel I was in a settled mindset given the circumstances.

Following this conversation the manager explained that he only wanted players who he felt were 100% committed to Southampton and told me I would therefore have to train away from the first team.

As a proud professional I am insulted by the suggestion that it was me who refused to train and so feel it is important to point out the true version of events.

I had very much hoped to retain the good relationship I've always enjoyed with everyone at the club, especially the fans, but unfortunately in light of everything that's happened this has now been seriously affected.

I would like to make clear that I have nothing but gratitude to everyone at Southampton for giving me the opportunity to play in the Premier League.

However, the time for me to move on is now and I hope to be able to work with the club to find the best resolution to suit all parties."

That was Virgil in his own words, not mine and certainly not anyone else's. You see that he didn't say Liverpool and that's because if he did, you know Southampton would not sell and people are already going FSG out if we don't get either or/both Naby Keïta and Virgil van Dijk. To be honest, they are right in certain aspects. This summer is the summer to grow and we were very close to missing out on everything the club told us they'd get. The perspective, I think, is to be more doubting of what's going on rather than #FSGOUT. At least, before this happened. Can someone also tell Southampton we didn't tap him up this time? I feel like they'll spin it that way. 

This doesn't mean that he will instantly come, as we did submit that apology. But there are rumblings before that if he did this, we would be back. Hopefully, those rumours are 1000% true. A bid, or at least more chatter about this from our side and his side should be expected, though.

(Also, RedmenTV plus Paul. That was perfect. This also gives you a better look than I can.)

Also . . . looking for a midfielder with a Klopp-esque transfer type name? Think we're low on midfielders? Look no further than Hakim Ziyech! He's an Ajax midfielder that can also play on the wings. Like Lallana. See the reason for the new interest? He's 24, Dutch born but Moroccan and is techinically gifted as well as a wonderful playmaker. If we get this deal done, it will certainly help us out when some of our more playmaking midfielders are out and we would have to be stuck with Can-Milner-Henderson in midfield. Doesn't inspire confidence, does it? But this rumour is kind of new, so I'll just leave it here to see if true. 

And Coutinho's being looked at by Barca. But let it be known that if Coutinho leaves, Klopp will be furious with FSG and Klopp is FSG's guy, they can't have that happen. If prices keep going up, it doesn't matter. Coutinho will be a Liverpool man for another year, just you see. It's practically written in stone. 

With this exciting news, good day/night, Reds! Try sleeping after this! 

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