What's The News Saying Now?: Transfer Rumours

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Day 2 of this saga and the window hasn't even opened yet! All the supposed excitement may radiate from the two Manchester clubs but we all know that one of them isn't going to cope with drawing in every match possible. We have true excitement of our own, so let's get to it!

Rafa Wants Sheyi Ojo At Newcastle:

It's not really clear from Newcastle's side if they want it to be a loan or permanent transfer but from what we saw from him in the 15/16 season (which was Mané like movement, if you weren't able to see him), everyone in the Liverpool camp will hope that they want it to be a loan and that's it. This can get Ojo minutes that he may not get next season even with the fact that we'll have more matches next season because I feel like Rafa would really put in time with Ojo that Klopp probably wouldn't have as much time for. He could also go to Huddersfield thanks to Danny Ward taking them to the PL! But there's a limit of about 2 players per team (probably so there isn't a Liverpool and a Liverpool B), so who really knows? 2/5 because everything isn't clear yet but seems believable 

Tottenham to Take Sessegnon:

So . . . Is this Dele Alli part two? Don't let this be Dele Alli part two. Whoever it is, make sure you have your alarm working! 

With that aside, I didn't even realise he was linked to us. But he's a talented young left back that knows about England, unlike Mendy who is talented and French but may have problems adapting to the PL. It's weird of Tottenham to be after him when they have two other options and we have none (Milner isn't a left back and we all know Alberto Moreno, no matter how fan friendly he can be), so if it comes down to a quick decision, I think we'd be them out because he has a higher chance of making it around here. 1/5 because it feels like a new and unclear rumour. 

Vardy to Anfield:


Haha, God no. Who made this rumour, the S*n? I see no reason for him to come here in any way. He, first off, is just not a good person and this discussion has been brought up many times by Costa to Liverpool rumours (past seasons, and not very good), but it's obvious that we will not pick up a player that has a bad reputation (I think Suarez and Balo may be one of the few exceptions), especially with Klopp at the reigns. Second, he seemed to have really taken a nose dive last season. This may be because he's a bit up in age for a striker and the structure for Leicester practically revolved around Kante. Then there's the fact that he has a bad temperament, shown when there were a few players kicking up dust before and after Ranieri left. I really don't want him around, seriously. 0/5 0/1000, never let him wear our red.

 Timo Werner to Pass Up Big Money For Liverpool?:

The guys great and all, but I don't see us getting him. Firmino will always be the first choice striker with Klopp around and Werner was a part of the force that led RB Leipzig so close to the top that he'd probably demand the spot Firmino has. He also has big-time suitors like Bayern Munich (who don't need him!), Chelsea (with Costa rumours, they will), PSG, Barcelona and Juventus. I don't see us getting him but a talented but younger person. 0/5

"Liverpool can achieve big things," says Coutinho. "I'd like to be a part of that":

Yes, yes you would Coutinho. Don't leave us for Barça. All they did was win the Copa del Rey. We won the coveted 4th place Trophy! They're getting a new manager soon, we still have Klopp. You're probably gonna sit on the bench all day over there, you're guaranteed to be the first name on the team sheet! C'mon Coutinho, think reasonably and don't move the pugs around too much, I'm sure they love the Liverpool climate. It's nice and suitable for little dogs like them. To be honest, I'm just beating around the bush and I'll come out and just say that he can't go. All of our hope and dreams rest on his shoulders for the most part. When Mané was out at the end of the season, it was him kicking it up a bit that got us to Top 4. He just can't go. 

Ben Woodburn to Real Madrid Because Bale Said So:

I'm so confused. One of our best youths, is just going to run off to Madrid because Bale said so, even though there's the smallest chance he'll play more than five matches there? What, does Bale control the money and team at RM? If so, why didn't he let Atletico beat Real since there's rumours that Bale himself will be leaving to United? This is a big mess of far-fetched ideas and there's no way Woodburn's leaving Liverpool. He may be 17, but he's too smart to leave right now. (And hopefully ever because he's just really bright.) 0/5 0/100000

In Other News, We Signed Two Youths Today:

The first really surprised me. When I went to bed yesterday, I only saw one website talking about it so I didn't think too much of it and thought I'd just talk about it today and expect something serious tomorrow. Now, we have Chelsea's big time youth starlet Dominic Solanke on a free transfer, coming in when the window truly opens. But because he's underage, like Ings, I'm pretty sure we'll have some arbitration/tribunal to deal with or hopefully an agreed fee of less than £3m. The 19-year-old will be playing in the U23s with the likes of TAA, Woodburn and Ejaria, coming up to the first team when Klopp believes he's been thoroughly introduced to the Liverpool style or he's really tearing it up. I should have something for him up later today or early tomorrow. Hopefully the former. 

The other is 16-year-old Dal Varesanovic from Bosnia, a highly rated midfielder that we got before Barcelona could. I'm just happy saying that last part. Recently though, we were banned from getting Academy players and had a £100,000 fine because of it. But apparently, we're still allowed to bring in youngsters from other sides in Europe. Better yet, Gerrard was wide awake to see this youth get signed! I won't have something up for him because he just turned 16 this month so he'll have next to nothing on him. 

That's it for the day, not as much as yesterday but still very out there. See you tomorrow, Kopites!

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