Lost brother.

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Nico p.o.v
I was worried for (y/n). Kronos was in her and he was planning something big.
I stumbled into (y/n) dream again.

I saw Percy on the floor. But why is he here? But then I took a clasper look and it wasn't Percy. There was a teenage boy. "Ah mama, te extraño." He said in Spanish. He was on his knees and had blood on the corner of his lips. He had black hair and dark brown eyes. His skin was pale. "You shouldn't betrayed me boy." Kronos said.

The teenage boy spits on the ground. "You killed my mother, you thought that I was really gonna work with you?" He asked.

Then Kronos stepped in. He still looked the same but more handsome. Did he get old over the year cause last I saw him, he was ugly. "You know what you get now?"

He asked and the teenage boy just looked at him with no expression. "(Y/n) come out." Kronos commanded.

Then a little girl stepped in. She looked just like (y/n) but littler maybe like 5 or 6 years old. Wait this was (y/n). Her eyes were glowing yellow. The teenage boy eyes widen. (Y/n) walked towards him and stood in front of him. "(Y/n) please." Tears were brimming out of his eyes. "I love you sis."

(Yes you had a brother. But he was the son of Hades. Your mother was not a whore or a hoe. She was a teenager when she had her first child.)

(Y/n) froze for a second. A tear came out. "I'm sorry brwo ." She touched his forehead and her hands were glowing a light blue color. His body started to to glow blue and he slowly disappeared.

"Did you erase him completely?" Kronos asked.

(Y/n) hesitated. "Yes father."

"Good now come on." Kronos walks away.

"I hope you're safe." She whispered then followed Kronos.

Suddenly her dream changed. My father was there. He was sitting in his throne. (Y/n) brother was standing there. "What would you like?" My father raised his eyebrow.

"Please father, I would like to go back and save my sister."

"Fine but you will need to work by my side for now on."

"Thank you father."

Wait I had a brother! And he was (y/n) brother too! That was why we got along the first time we met. That was why she trusted me, why she instantly stuck with me. I was like her brother.

I instantly woke up. I immediately got out of bed and woke up Hazel, we went to find the others.

A few minutes of explanation......

"She killed her own brother?!" Percy and the other yelled.

"I think so."

"Wow that must be why she hates you Percy you remind her of her brother." Leo said.

Percy growls at him. "You too! You're a Latino like him! She barely talks to you."

"But he was a gringo!" Leo said.

Chiron looked a bit sad. "Chiron do you know his name?" Piper asked.

"Yes, (y/n) brother. Their mother was really a beauty. Poseidon and Hades, Kronos, Iapetus took interest in her. She was just 16 when she had Tristan. She and Hades left him here and I raised him as my own. When we heard that (y/n) was born, Tristan was happy to meet his new sister." He paused.

"How was he like?" Hazel asked.

"Tristan was always happy, he lived a happy life here at camp, he was the best swordsman we had before Luke. He helped around a lot. But when Poseidon told me that (y/n) was born I had a feeling that something was gonna happen. One day we were about to visit Tristan new sister and mother but Poseidon came to us and said that Kronos took (y/n). He killed her that night and took her."

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