Way 1

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(A/N: this story can go two ways. This is the first way. The second way is the next chapter. I hope you like this.)

Dirk p.o.v
I don't know why I reacted like that to (y/n). She can date who she wants. But I really, really, really love her. I want to be with her and only her. I wanted her to be all mine and I could be all hers. I wanted her hands linked to mines. But none of that could ever happen. She has a boyfriend already and he even gave her a hickey! Wtf would he give her a hickey for? They are just to young for that. Fuck her boyfriend. Fuck her beauty. Fuck the world. Fuck the Fates.

    I was on the beach and my shades were off. I was mad and hurt at the same time . I wouldn't be able to see her eyes lit up when I'm with her. Those eyes will only lit up when she sees her boyfriend now. Her curiosity makes her look more like a cute little child. She is just so perfect for me. I don't know if I can handle it.

My brother, Dave came towards me. He saw my shades on the sand. He picked them up.

"Dirk, are you fine?" He asked.

"I'm fucking fine." I growled at him.

"Is it about-"

"Dirk!" Someone called out. I didn't bother to turn around because I knew who it was. Dave turned around and then left.

(Y/n) p.o.v
I went out of the infirmary and went looking for Dirk. I wanted to tell him the good news and I was happy too. I don't know why I get so happy around him. He is pretty much the only guy that I mostly hang out with and he is the only one who makes me feel so happy, and some other feeling that I can't describe. It's hard to describe it. I don't know if this feeling is just happiness or.....
I have no idea what to think or say. I'm just so confused now. I went to check in his cabin and he wasn't there. So I decided to check on the beach. Since that was where we hang out. As soon as I saw him, I floated. I saw Dave leave and I floated towards Dirk.
"Dirk!" I called out.

He didn't respond but he had his back facing me. I started to get a little worried. I stop floating and dropped on the ground next to him.
"Ow." I stated.

"What do you fucking want?" He asked cruelly.

"My hiccups are gone." I smiled at him. I saw his blonde hair back in a pointed style. I wanted to touch his points.

"I thought it was a hickey." He looked at me. His beautiful orange eyes lit up. He looked so cute and handsome.

"Yeah well, I have no idea what a hickey is and I thought it was called that. So yeah the whole time I had the hiccups." I smiled.

"So you have no boyfriend?"
He asked.

"No!" I started to blush. Thinking of a boyfriend is.... I couldn't think.

"So you aren't dating anyone?" He asked again.

"Are you deaf?" I asked him.

"No. Just making sure so I could do this.." he KISSED me!

    Like on the lips and I just started to float up. My stomach started to get butterflies.
He stopped and smiled at me. I was blushing so bad. I floated up and covered my face. Then he pulled me down to sit next to him.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I Love you (y/n). I always have since I saw you and wanted to kiss you." He smirked.

"D-Dirk I can't...."

His smiled dropped.

"Dirk I can't describe this feeling but..." I kissed him and it was a passionate kiss.

Dirk Strider X reader (demigod)Where stories live. Discover now