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(Y/n) p.o.v
"What do you mean not coming back?" Percy asked.
I looked at him.
"First I come back to camp and then I get hurt by your girlfriend. You and her had already hurt me enough. You y-you let.." I stopped.
"(Y/n) I'm trying to help you." Percy said.
"Well I don't need it." I crossed my arms and looked away.
He had his hand on my knee.
"How did I hurt you." He gave me a sad look.
"You let him die." I said. "You just let him die. Why couldn't you save him."
"Iapetus." I said softly.
He looked at me and I could see his eyes. He looked sad.
"Luke. Silena" I added. "They died to save you and the world. Luke and Silena did it cause Kronos lied to us and Bob had done it to save you and Annabeth."
"I cared about them and you took them."
"I'm so sorry for everything.." Percy said.
"Don't give me pity." I said.
"(Y/n) I know you had many people who you cared about get taken away from you. I'm so sorry. Please listen to me. You can stay and change your life. Here at camp." Percy said.

"You don't know how I feel Percy. I don't want to stay." I said.
"Why not?"
"You and everyone hate me. I cause you and your friends harm. I am different than you and everyone here."
"Sure you caused harm but you didn't do it that much."
I wrapped my arms around myself.
"No. I did. I helped in the Battle of Manhattan and the Olympus war. I made Leo died and..."
"You helped Kronos and Gaea?" He looked at me.
I nodded my head.
"My mom and my lil (brother/sister) died in a car crash. I was raised by Iapetus and Kronos and some other Titans. They taught me their skills and more things. I-I am not like you guys. I grew up with them since I was 6 years old. I help Kronos because he promised me a better life and I wanted to destroy everything and everyone. I grew up being bad like them but I-Iapetus taught me how to be nice and soft but I mostly ignored him about being nice. He treated me like his own. Iapetus wished that I could have a normal life and that he would take care of me. I wished that too. But Kronos denied that and made me stay away from him. So he send Iapetus away to fight. Iapetus promised me that he would come back. He said I was his star. That shined brighter than any other star. Then Kronos died and I was sent somewhere where there was monsters and then I learned that I was working for a bad titan the whole time." I looked at my leg.
"...." Percy was silent.
"Then I wanted to leave and look for Iapetus. But the monsters wouldn't let me and Jack the ghost was with me. He stayed with me and became my friend. We stayed together, until you made him stay away. I stayed and helped the war and the monsters with the plan to catch you and your friends. I gave them some ideas and they took it and used it........" I told him the whole story.
"Then I escaped ." (Sorry but I have to add this.)
"I went looking for Iapetus. Then I ran into some monsters and ended up here. When you chased me and I disappeared, I appeared in Nico cabin and I told him about Iapetus. He said that you erased his memories and told me that he died to protect you and Annabeth and the world. He died. I never got to see him Percy. Why did you let him die? I hate you!" I yelled.

Percy p.o.v
"I hate you!" (Y/n) yelled at me. There was no tear in her eyes.
"I'm sorry Bob helped us. I wanted to take him with us but I couldn't. He wanted to stay and then he died." I chocked back a sob.
"He didn't deserve to die." She said.
I couldn't believe that (y/n) has been working with Kronos and Gaea the whole time. She has lost everything and I made the only person she ever cared about die. She never got her wish. I felt bad at her.
Then she went into the bathroom and took a shower.
She came out and was clean.
"Don't tell anyone my past or anything I told you." She looked at me and then went towards the bed and went to sleep.
I turned off the light and then went to my bed and slept. "I'm sorry (y/n) and Bob aka Iapetus. I'm sorry for not letting you complete your wish." I turned and then went to sleep.

(Y/n) p.o.v
"I'm sorry (y/n) and Bob aka Iapetus. I'm sorry for not letting you complete your wish." Percy said.
A tear escaped my eye and I wiped them away. Then I fell asleep.

It was dark. Then I appeared at camp. Dirk and Dave and Will and Percy was there. More people showed up. Nico and Annabeth and Piper and Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Calypso. They were all there. I was just standing there.
"Hi guys!" I greeted.
They all looked into my eyes. Then their face changed into a nasty one.
"Omg! Look at her eyes." Calypso said.
"They are just like Kronos eyes when he possessed Luke!" Annabeth called out.
"What?" I asked. Then Hazel held a mirror at me and saw my glowing like Kronos eyes when he possessed Luke body. I touched my eyes and my face.
"She looks so hideous!" Piper claims.
"Percy is she even your sister?" Leo asked.
"No. I don't know her." Percy responded to Leo. Tears started to form.
"She is even crying!" Nico laughed.
"She is a whiny girl." Will laughed with Nico.
"Nico I trusted you!" I yelled at him.
"You are so gullible." He said.
"She even helped Kronos and Gaea. She can't be trusted." Percy said.
"Percy. Why did you tell them!" I yelled.
"You think that I would actually keep your secret. Please I would never." He laughed.
"You should just wear shades so no one sees your ugly eyes." Dave joined.
"Yeah bigger shades than mines. You really need them." Dirk said.
"No ones cares about you here at camp or at Camp Jupiter." Franks said.
I closed my eyes and started to tear up and ran.
"You can't run. You will always be different and ugly." Percy voice echoed in my head.

I appeared in a park, I recognize it, it was Central Park . I was on the swing and Iapetus aka Bob, was there. I stood there and he was behind me. He put his arm on my shoulders.
"I'm sorry (y/n). I promised you on the river Styx that I will come back and I  broke it." He said.
"Bob. I-I missed you." I choked back a sob.
He lifted up my chin and made me look at him.
"You can let out your feelings. No one will judge or hurt you." He kissed my forehead and I cried and hugged him.
"Why did you have to die?" I asked.
"I don't know. I am always with you. Don't be sad sweetie. Percy is a good guy and I know that he is  going to be a good brother. Just don't hate him. Promise me on the River Styx ." He said.
"I c-can't." I said. "He let you die Iapetus." I cried in his arms.
"He hugged me tightly and kissed my head. I closed my eyes and kept crying and then I felt a tear drop on me. I opened my eyes and saw that he was crying. (Wow a titan crying? I know right.)
"Percy had to let me because I told him to get to safety and leave me. I chose to die so I can save you and the world from Gaea." He sobbed. "It isn't Percy fault."
"I promise you on the River Styx, that I will try to not hate him....DAD." I promised him.
He smiled at me.
"I know you aren't my daughter but I love you like my own daughter and I always will." He smiled at me.

Then I woke up and I felt a tear my cheeks. I rubbed my eyes and saw Percy get up and use the bathroom. I got up and then I fell.
"Shit!" I groaned.
Percy came out the bathroom and ran to me.
"You shouldn't get up." He helped me to my bed.
"I want to get dressed." I said.
"Yeah well tell me if you need something." He rubbed his eyes.
He grabbed my book bag and opened it. I grabbed my book bag from him.
"No. I can do it." I said.
"I have my clothes so go to the bathroom and stay there until I say you can come out." I ordered. He obeyed.
It was difficult to put my sweat pants on, by I managed. I had my camp shirt on.
"You can come out Percy." I called out.

Dirk Strider X reader (demigod)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora