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Percy p.o.v
Why does she keep disappearing when I come?
I just wanted to talk to her. After I helped Clarisse get out of the water. She walked away furiously.
I went to go look for her. I just wanted to thank her and make her like me and become a real brother for her. But she is definitely different than the rest of the demigods. I am afraid that Zeus would want to get rid of her and I just don't want that to happen. All the gods might want to get rid of her because of how powerful she is. I couldn't believe that they would do that. But somehow I did. I mean they would do anything to be the most powerful ones at camp and the whole world.
( yeah since you are powerful. I mean the gods would want to be the only powerful ones. So they would eliminate anything that is more than them. Sorry for making the story like this.  Kinda not. Bye)

I found (y/n) she was talking to Travis and then she smirked at him.
Oh. No.
Here it comes she scares the campers.
Travis then ran. (Y/n) smile faded and turned into a frown. She then walked away alone and her head was down. She made fists with her hand.
Then I followed her. She walked by Nico cabin and near the forest. As I was close she turned around and then ran.
I ran after her I jumped on her so she would stop. I pinned her to the ground. We were in the Woods now.
She tried to get me off.
Then I felt like something was wrapping around my legs. Then pulled me away.
"(Y/N)! Stop running I want to help you!" I screamed.
She stop and then turned around and commanded the veins to release me.
They almost made marks on me.
I sighed and then she disappeared.
Ugh! Why is this hard?!

(Y/N) p.o.v
I let Percy there and he was lucky that the veins didn't make marks on him. I ran for the woods. I looked back to make sure he wasn't there. Then I shadow-travel to a dark place. I appeared in a room. No I mean cabin cuz I saw some bunks. I got up and touched a dark figure. The dark figure moved and then I fell to the floor.
The light were turned on and found a pale , but not so pale boy there in front of my face. I screamed and then knocked him to the ground.
"Ow! What was that for?!" He screamed.
"You scared me." I said.
"That's how everyone reacts to me." He said with a bit sadness in his voice.
"But anyway how did you get in my cabin." He asked. He got up and rubbed his head.
"Oh. I kinda shadow-travel here. I-I " he interrupted me.
"Shadow-travel?" He looked confused.
"Yeah . I wanted to go somewhere dark. Bu-" he interrupted me again.
"You aren't tired at all?" He asked.
"No." I frowned.
"As I was saying I wanted to go somewhere dark and it took me here. " I finally finished with out interrupters.
"Are you Hades or Pluto daughter?" He asked.
"No. I'm Poseidon/Neptune daughter." I answered.
"Oh. You are (y/n)." He smiled.
"What. You are who?" I asked.
"I am Nico we met when I was with Piper and Will." He replied.
"Oh. Emo guy." I said rudely.
Then we heard a knock on the door.
"Nico can I ask you a question?" Percy screamed.
I panicked.
"Nico don't tell Percy where I am. Tell him you haven't seen me." I whispered to him.
"I need a place to hide." I whispered to him.
"Here hide under my bunk." He told me.
Then he went to open the door.
"What do you want? I was sleeping." Nico said.

Nico p.o.v
I opened the door and calmed myself.
"What do you want? I was sleeping." I said. Then I let out a yawn. He came in and sat on my bed.
"I didn't ask you to come in Percy!" I yelled at him.
"Chill I know you still hate me. But have you seen my sister?" He asked.
I raised my eyebrow at him.
"No. I haven't since we tried to capture her." I answered.
He got up and left. I closed the door and told (y/n) to come out. She came out and I saw her get out.
"Nico how exactly is your room clean?" She asked.
I laughed.
"Why do you ask?" I asked her.
"Under your bunk is clearly clean. My bunk is kinda dirty." She replied.
"I am an organization person." I replied.
"Oh anyway thanks for hiding me." She said.
"Wait why is Percy looking for you?" I asked.
"I'll tell you if you tell me what Percy meant by hate him." She said.
"Okay I'll tell you." I agreed.

We laughed and made jokes. This girl made me laugh and feel warm in one day. She seemed special. Will made me laugh in like a week or a few more weeks. I love Will. But this girl seemed more alive and scary. I like her, but not in a like like way. In a friend way. She explained why she hates or thinks she hates Percy.
"Well that is unfortunate of him." (Y/n) said.
He let Iapetus die. I know know that (y/n) was really close to Bob and I told her what happened and how Iapetus a.k.a Bob lost his memory.
She got more upset. Why is she so upset for Bob?
"So Percy did all that to him. " she said.
I told her why I hate him, but I don't anymore.
Then she lit up.
"Hey what kind of powers do you have?" She asked.
I told her my powers and what kind of gods have which powers.
"Oh. That's why ." She seemed to understand.
"Well can you teach me how to control and use these powers?" She smiled and it warmed my heart for a reason.
"Yeah sure." I replied at her.
I looked into her eyes and saw her eyes changed to (e/c) to sea green and then gold and then bright yellow and then a flame appeared. I backed up and she saw me. She looked away .
"Something is wrong with me." She wrapped her hands on her arm. Since we were sitting on my bed.
"No nothing is wrong with you." I said. I put my arm around her shoulder. She looked up to face me. A tear escaped her eyes.
"What is this?" She asked and wiped her tear away.
"What is what?" I asked.
"This water that escaped my eyes."she replied.
"That's tear. You are crying and upset." I told her.
"No that's impossible." She said.
"You never cried in your life before?" I was surprised.
"No. Not since I was 6 and my mom death." She replied.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I'm such an idiot!" She called herself.
"You can tell me. I swear that I won't tell anyone. Not even Percy or a soul. I swear on the River Styx." I didn't want her to take a wrong path. I want her to feel better.
She looked at me confused.
"What is that?"
"It's a oath you take and if you break it then you will get punished when you die."
(Was it the other way around? You will die in a horrible way? Or go to the punishment field? IDK. Just go with it.)

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