Big 3 fight.

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(Y/n) p.o.v
I found Percy and he came towards me.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"For what?" I replied.

"Do I have to tell you what happened again?"
Percy sighed.

"Yes. you do , I have short term memory." I said.

"Okay well me and Jason are having a battle and Nico. We are all on teams, me on Poseidon and Jason on Zeus and Nico on Hades." Percy said.

"So the big three children's are having a battle. Great I can see who kicks your sea butt." I laughed.

"Did you forgot that all the children's of the big three are playing. So you and Hazel and Thalia are in." Percy said.

"Who's Thalia?" I asked.

"Jason older sister." Percy answered. Then he explained everything I needed to know about her.

"Okay so when are we starting?" I asked.

"In about 30 minutes. We need to win." He said.
Oceanic went to my shoulders and sat around my neck and shoulders. I laughed.

"Percy don't make me laugh. We are gonna win with me by your side, well with you by my side I won't lose. But just follow my lead." I said and smirked.

"No. You follow my lead and I will win." Percy said.

"Fine but if we are close to losing, don't blame me." I held my hands up.

"We are definitely gonna win." A girl with black spiky hair said. She had a plain t-shirt on and a set of bows. Jason was next to her and I guess that she was his sister.

"Hey Perc how are you. Ready to lose." She said.

"He definitely is ready to..." I smirked.  "To lose"

"This must be (y/n) your sis. Well it's nice to met you. I'm Thalia." She greeted.

"Aren't you supposed to be on your hunting season?" I asked.

"Well lady Artemis , let me have a day off and my hunters too. Since there is nothing to do and not a lot of monsters that attack." Thalia said.

"Time for the children's of the big three to began their war or battle." Chiron said.

"Chiron it's Battle." Percy corrected.

Chiron nodded and he let our battle begin. I gave Chiron my pet and smiled a little. Nico and Hazel: who I didn't know who had some free time too, join . They dissolve into the shadows. I transported Percy into the woods and I don't know what happened to the Zeus child's.

We were near a river. I stepped in the water and then turned into water. I got so scared because that was not what I planned. I was about to wet Percy but then I just dissolved into water. I wanted to be back into a my normal self please! And I did turn to myself.

  "How did you do that?" Percy asked in amazement.

"Dunno. But watch out." I warned him. There was a bow headed towards us.

He turned around too late but I saved him just in time. I touched his arm and we transported to the side of the attacker.
We saw Jason and Thalia. I had my sword ready and Percy did too.

"Found you." Percy said.   "(Y/n) you hold off Jason while I deal with Thalia."

"But....fine." I mumbled under my breath.

Thalia smirked and Jason looked ready to fight with me. Thalia attacked Percy first but Percy acted quickly. Then as I was about to attack Jason and dark shadow appeared. Nico and Hazel came out. The were skeletons everywhere too.

"Jason you attack Nico." I said and he nodded his head in agreement.

Hazel used mist and I knew some tricks. So I transported behind a tree that behind Hazel. Then I made a fake me appear in front of Hazel. Hazel bought it, but then I realized that it wasn't Hazel. When I turned around I saw Hazel on her horse. I was caught by surprise.

"I also control the mist you know." Hazel said.

"I also control many other powers, you know." I smirked and then disappeared. I was sitting on her horse back.

Then I floated in the air. "Hazel you look kinda bored down there. Here let me give you lift."

"No." She said. Then I got on the ground.

"Then lets fight. Real me to real Hazel." I had my hand on my hips.

Hazel got off her horse and then we started to fight. I went easy on her. Since she was a little younger than me. Then she grew tired and I didn't. Well only a little bit.

"How bout we call it a truce. You and me can just sit down and watch our idiotic brothers fight." I suggest.

"Sure. I'm getting pretty tired too." She smiled at me. If she pulled any triggers then I had something for her up my sleeve.
We sat on the ground and watch our brothers fight.

"How did you feel being here?" Hazel asked and she had a piece of Hersey. She gave a piece to me.

"Where do you get chocolate?" I asked.

"Well Nico got it from the camp store." Hazel answered.

"There is a store here at camp?" I asked.



"Have long have you stayed here at camp?"  Hazel asked.

"Like about 4 or 5 days now. I don't know and I don't give a crap." I said. "Are you like from the old ages?" I asked.

"Yes. I don't know many things like my brother Nico." Hazel said.

"Me either." I looked at the ground.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I don't like to talk about my past." I said and laughed.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"It's funny how the others are still fighting." I replied.

"I guess that is funny." Hazel joined me.

  We laughed.
(I'm too lazy to write what happened next and to describe anything.)
It's been like an hour already and we decided to leave. The war has took this long. Even if it's at a camp.
Night fell and they had to stop the fighting. Hazel went back to her camp and Thalia stayed with Jason. I was in my cabin with Oceanic. I laughed and joked with her. Percy came in and looked like a mess.

"Good night." I said.

"Really, you didn't even bro help me." Percy said.

"Hey, you looked like you had it all handed well." I turned in my bed and fell to sleep. He took a shower and I guess he also went to sleep, not that I care.

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