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I decided to make a story about Reader story. I know it's not a really good idea. You the reader are a Greek and Roman demigod. Your dad was in both form when he met your mother. So you are powerful than Percy and any Gods. You have like all the gods Greek and Roman powers. Don't say or think how can I do this? I can and because it's my story. I don't own any character and I only own the story. You are 15 in this story cuz this takes place after the war of Gaea. This takes place in the summer.


(Y/n) p.o.v

I ran into the woods and didn't dare to look back. I ran and ran.
You can't run away
The voice in my head was still speaking. I screamed. I had served Mother Earth and her minions. What else do they want? I didn't know it before but I had no idea that I was helping into destroy the earth.

My mom and my little siblings died in a car crash when I was 6 yrs old. I had no where to go, I was torn apart. Until this man who says that he is Cronus came to me and said that my life can be better. The only thing I had to do was to join him.I joined him and he trained me a lot. Then I was ready to join his army to take over New York and then the rest of the world. But he used the mist to make me see regular humans instead of monsters. The only humans I met was Luke and Silena.

I met Luke castellan and Silena Beauregard. They were nice to me and told me that everything was going to be alright. But I was just 14 when the war happen I thought we were the good guys. But they lied to me. I saw a bunch of demigods ready for the war and saw their leader. Percy Jackson.

I heard that he was a tough demigod. He is successful person and a threat. Luke told me that he was a son of Poseidon and Silena told me that he was a good kid. She told me the quest he went on with his friends. Annabeth and Grover, I think. I heard many stories of him. It was so confusing, Luke would tell me he was a bad guy and Selina would tell me this opposite.

I tried to find Silena, but I couldn't find her. Silena helped Cronus get information from inside of camp and I was at Kronos side. I went to look for her and then I saw her. Silena Beauregard was on the floor and she was dying. I felt so scared and then a girl came to her side and started to sob. Silena was telling why she joined our side and then she died. The girl wanted to get revenge on Kronos.

Luke killed himself because Kronos was about become his true form. But Luke stopped that. He defeated Kronos and the army. I felt bad that Kronos lied to me and didn't care. But when they defeated Kronos I had to leave to get to safety. At least that is what they told me. Kronos brother, Iapetus, took me to safety and said that I cannot come near Long Island and to go to the others. I shadow-travel to my place where it land abandoned. I went in and looked around and found a box. It had my name on it and I opened it. It had a photo of me and my mom and my dad. They looked happy and I was about to cry until I saw a shiny bracelet. It had a blue trident charm and it was attached to a silver bracelet. It was in a bag and saw a note in it . I took the note out and read it:

For my lovely daughter, (y/n)

I took the bracelet out and put it on. Then I put my picture of my parents in my pockets and another picture of my siblings.

So I had to shadow travel to the where the others were planning to wake up Mother Earth. Gaea. I don't know much about Greek and Roman mythology. I don't even know the gods or anything really.

I never seen Iapetus ever since. I was with a group of monsters and they wanted to eat me. But they didn't. I was scared that I was working with monsters the whole time. I had to wait with the monster to wait for the Argo II . I didn't want to fight along with the monsters any more. I want to be free and go away from all this Greek stuff. I can't cause the threat to kill me if I decide to go away, they think that I will tell the demigod their plan.

They say that I'm one of them now. I was sitting on a branch on the cedar tree that was on the hill. I was playing with my powers. My hands lit on fire . Then I made a little flower grow on one of the branch. My bracelet was shining again. I ignore it.Then I was about to shadow-travel to get some food until an old man with two girls shows up near my tree. I decided to stay and listen to them. Both of the girls looked like the Greek serving maidens that were supposed to be serving food to the others warrior that were waiting and sacrificing the Greek statues. A native Indian girl was helping the old guy. She looked beautiful and had a feather in her hair. The other girl had blonde hair and looked deadly.

"You sure this is the right hill?" The old guy asked. "Seems kind of-I don't know-quiet."

Of course it's quiet. It was the only place I can get peace and quiet. I thought.

"The ruins are up here" the native girl said. "I saw them in Katoptris's blade. And you know what Hazel said 'The biggest-'"

"The biggest gathering of evil spirits I've ever sensed" the old guy said. "Yeah,sounds awesome ."

Then the blonde girl readjusted her golden belt. "I hope our disguises holds up. The suitors were nasty customers when they were alive. If they find out we're demigods-"

"Hazel's magic will work," the native girl said.

I teleported with the others. I had to tell or report anything funny going on. That's what I was doing and I had to tell and I left that tree. As soon as I got to the evil spirits and dead people, I had many give me a hard glare. I found Michael Varus and told him what I heard and saw. Then he nodded his head as he was listening.

Then we heard Antinous cry "IROS!" At the old man.

"He's the old man Michael" I told him.

"Good job." He gazed at him. I flew away but near enough to hear and see what was happening. Michael looked at the old guy with his dead eyes and the guy looked unnerved. The guy was talking to Antinous and about other stuff.
Then after what seemed forever Michael spoke. Then he said. "Our desires reveal us. They show us for who we really are. Someone has come for you, Jason Grace."

Jason Grace.

I suddenly got interested in what was happening . I was still 14.
I didn't care what would happen to those demigods . All I care was that we win so I can be free.

(A/n: you know what happens then. I'm not explaining everything)

Dirk Strider X reader (demigod)Where stories live. Discover now