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Might end this story. Lol I don't know. Slightly chance I'm not.

Percy p.o.v
"It's not! Dirk did nothing wrong!" Dave yells at me.

We were in Piper cabin and along with the rest of my friends.

"It is! He had to go all jealous and break her like that!" I yell.

"My brother-" Dave was interrupted by Dirk.

"It is and I'm so sorry." He apologized.

Then we heard yelling. We quickly went outside of the cabin and saw a cabin on fire. I quickly cooled down the fire with water. Then thunder struck some trees. We all looked up to see (y/n) floating and destroying everything.

Jason flew up and (y/n) blasted him away with a fire ball. "JASON!" Piper yelled and ran towards him.

"(Y/n) stop!" I yell but she doesn't seem to be listening.

From behind (y/n) of the Apollo kids had his arrow and aims at her. "No!" I yell and run towards him and push him.

"What gives man!" He yelled but I ignored him.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing?! Stop!" I yell and she turns towards me. Her eyes were glowing yellow. Like Luke when he was possessed by....she blasted me with a fire ball and I fell backwards. I quickly healed in the water and looked around. The campers were trying to stop her but she was just unstoppable.

(Y/n) p.o.v

Destroy camp. Destroy everything and everyone.

Kronos commanded and I did. It felt nothing and like my old self. I couldn't hear no one but screams and the destruction I was causing. I saw the kids running around and trying to stop me. I stopped them and hurt them.

Good that is enough. Now leave this camp and head to-

I was hit behind. I turned around to see Leo. He had a ball of fire in his hand. I glare at him and he back away a bit. I suddenly lift my hand up and the ground started to open up. He started to lose balance. Nico helped him up and I made the wind push Nico in but he held on to the edge. Nico and Leo were hanging on and as I was about close the ground and then someone else hit me in the hid with ball.

I turn around and see Annabeth. Then someone splash me with water and I fell on the ground. I see Percy.

Kill Percy Jackson.

I got up and took my weapon out. I ran towards him ready to attack and then I disappeared. I was right behind him and I stabbed his arm with my knife. He screamed in pain and everyone called him out. I knocked him to the ground and he was bleeding so bad.

"(Y/n)." I heard my name and look up. Dirk was standing in front of me. I wanted to kill him for breaking my heart.

"What do you want?" I snarled at him. He walks closer to me and I walk back.

"I'm sorry for acting like a idiot." He apologized. I could see tear coming down on his cheeks under his shades.

I calm down a bit. Don't fall for him! He is using your feeling to get to you and then destroy you. Don't fall for him.

I suddenly had the urge to stab him and as I was about to stab him he caught my arm. "Please believe me." I could see from under his shades that he was somehow telling the truth.

Leave before he gets to you.

I kicked Dirk but he dogged my kick. "I need  you back." He spoke.

Dirk Strider X reader (demigod)Where stories live. Discover now