Fire contest

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(Y/n) p.o.v
"Time to train with me, now." Leo said.
"Why you first?" I groaned. "I rather train with Oceanic." I whined.
"Ha! She wants to train with me!" Percy yelled. We were in Nico cabin.
"No she said that she wants to train with Oceanic. So that means that she want to train her otter." Annabeth said. I was floating in the air.
"Annabeth why do you got to be smart all the time? I would like to train with Annabeth, she has a lot of wits." I said.
"I-I do." She said.
"Why did you stutter?" I asked.
"It's just you are never nice with me, or anyone here." She said.
My cheeks burned.
"You want me to be all rude? If that's what you want ,then you'll get it." I said.
"N-no please!" Piper and calypso, Hazel,Annabeth said in unison.
"Why not? I thought that's what you want."
"I didn't mean for you to take it the wrong way." Annabeth looked at me and I could see a little fear in her.
I laughed.
"What's so funny?" Calypso asked.
"Y-your faces!" I laughed.
"Well that's rude." Hazel said.
"I will be less rude once I get used to you and this camp." I stopped laughing.
"Good now can I go and listen to my beats?" Dave asked.
"No. (Y/n) needs to choose who she is going to train with first." Will said.
"Pick someone." Jason said.
Nico was quite the whole time and so was Dirk. But Dirk still had so much to learn.
"I choose Nico."
Everyone looked surprised.
"Why are you so surprised?" I asked. "Nico isn't good at his powers or what."
"No. He is it's just ,why him?" Leo asked.
"Leo!" Everyone said.
"Look, I'm not the only rude one in here." I floated to him. "Say Leo. what do you think about having a fire contest? Who ever is hotter wins and the loser can do what the winner says for a entire week."
"Um... that would be awesome!" He stupidly said.
"Leo-" Piper said. I cut her off.
"Great then! We should start now!" I said.
"Your on! Be prepared to lose water girl." He said. He lit his hand on fire and I did the same. We shook hands and they were on fire.
Then I transported all of us out of Nico cabin.

"How did we even get here?" Percy asked.
"Dirk will be the judge. He hasn't talk all day." I looked at him. I gave Oceanic to him.
We saw a pile of woods. There was two big stacks of chopped wood.
"Lets burn this and whoever burn faster is the winner of this round." Leo said.
"Okay." I simply said.

Calypso gave two pieces of woods to both of us. Leo hands lit on fire and started to burn his woods. Then I followed him, but I put on a lot of fire and my woods started to burn faster than Leo's. He looked at my woods and then he put on more fire.
"Stop!" Will said.
We both stopped the fire and my wood was much smaller than his.
"(Y/n) wins this round only two more to go." Dirk said.
I dropped the woods on the ground.
"You can stop the contest, you know. But you will have to apologize to Nico and do what he says for a week." I smirked at him.
"No! I'm the hottest around here." He refused.
"Leo she has more than you and you will only hurt yourself." Calypso said.
"Leo listen to your girlfriend." I said.
I looked at him in the eye and he suddenly felt a little fear. He looked away from me.
"Okay." He agreed.

"You made the right decision Latino boy." I said. "You can be the hottest of you want."
He smiled.
"Now on to training!" Percy yelled.  He and Annabeth left. Will and Dave, Leo, calypso left us.
"Nico be careful with her." I heard Piper whispered to him.
"As long as his sister is with him, he will." Hazel said.
I ignore that conversation.
"What are you doing after your training?" Dirk asked me.
"Nothing I guess." I replied.
"So if you're doing nothing want to hang out with me?" He asked.
"Sure." I said.
He gave Oceanic back to me and I hugged her. Then he left.
You were so fucking awesome! She squeaked.
"Don't say what Dirk says of my father will take you." I said.
Sorry. She apologized.
"It's okay. But don't ever say that again."

Training with Nico and Hazel was great. He taught me so much of underworld stuff. We laughed and joked most of the times.

Then I had to leave to training with Percy, after Percy was Jason, then Annabeth, Piper, Conner stoll, Leo, many other head consular of their cabin.

The next evening....after training.....

I literally had the the whole camp teaching me new things. They had me do so much work . These powers are going to kill one day. I went back to my cabin and got a shower. I changed into a camp short and some shorts. I came out my cabin with Oceanic at my feet. I picked her up and took a deep breath. Then I walked towards Apollo cabin. As I was walking I saw every guy eye in me. I started to get nervous and challenge them. But I saw Dave outside of Apollo cabin and I ran to him.
"Hi Dave!" I greeted him.
He turned towards me and pushed his glasses down a bit. So I could see his red eyes. Then I took his glasses off of him.
"Why did you do that for?" He asked.
"Because you pushed your glasses down I bit and I thought you were getting tired of it, so I took it off." I answered.
"What were you looking at?" I asked him.
"You aren't wearing any short. So your legs are damn fine." He said.
"Why the Hades do you have to look at my legs for?! You have your own legs to look at!" I yelled at him.
"Sorry (y/n), I didn't mean to get you mad but can I have my glasses back. You are sorta breaking it." He said. I calmed down a bit and gave him his glasses.
"Sorry Dave, but can you tell me where Dirk is?" I asked.
"He's in his bed." Dave responded.
"Thanks Dave." I left his and knocked on his cabin.
Then I knocked again on the door. No answer, so I just opened the door and saw him there on his bed with no shades.

"Hi Dirk." I waved at him. I put Oceanic on the floor and she just went around the room to sniff. I went towards Dirk and sat on his bed.
"Dirk I'm so sorry that I left you alone yesterday. I forgot that we were supposed to hangout. I was too sleepy from all the training." I apologized to him.
"It's okay. Do you want to do go to the beach with me now?" He asked.
"Yes!" I said happily and gave him a hug. Dirk blushed.
"You are really giving me a hug?" He asked.
"Shut up before you make me regret hugging you. Dirk." I said and then let go of him.

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