He grabbed a bundle of her hair and pulled it tightly, "I was treating you nicely and you repay me with this crap?!"

"Let go of me!" She yelled. She felt like if he pulled a little more, he might actually pull out her hair.

"Let go of her, didn't you hear?" A familiar voice spoke. Before she knew it, the man was on he ground with a badly bruised eye. "Hey Emily, you're still alive, right?" The figure asked.

It was Lavi.

"...Yeah." She replied as she darted her eyes between the him and the man who just passed out. "How did you...?"

"How? Well, I was following you from the start, but I found a convenient store that sold a couple of interesting snacks, so I went in and got some stuff. Once I came out for the store, you are no where to be found. I walked a couple of distance and I found you here." He explained, before grabbing a bag of soda flavoured chips, "Let's go now, it's pretty late."

Emily eyed at the bag of chips, "Coke flavour? He has a weird sense of taste."

Just as they were about to go, the drunkard grabbed an empty beer bottle and smashed it right at Lavi's head. Everything just happened so fast, She did not have time to move. The glass shattered and those pieces fell to ground, shattering them further.

He did not bleed and neither did he flinch. It was as if nothing had happened, he turned to the man, who was shaking in fear when he realised that he was unharmed. Lavi raised a brow and asked, "Do you want my blood spill or something?"

He then grabbed the broken glass bottle away from the man's grip and grinned, "Because I can show you if you want."

He squeezed the broken glass, letting the sharp edges rested against his palm, until the thick crimson liquid started dripping down his hand, forming a tiny pool of blood on the ground. The man looked at him in shocked, "You're crazy!"

It was strange. Lavi's blood slowly hardened as if to it was about to form something. The man noticed that and yelled, "Monster!" Before wobbling away.

"Wow, that was mean. I've never been called that for such a long time." Lavi deadpanned as dropped the broken glass bottle. His blood returns to liquid state and rubbed his bloodied hand at the side of his pants.

Emily looked at him with concern, "Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

"Other than my emotions, I'm healthy as ever." He relied while returning to savour the pack of weird flavoured chips.

"Why did you do that? You could have really hurt yourself." Emily questioned with hint of anger in her voice, because she thought that what he did was silly.

He should not have injured himself like that.

"Well, I enjoy the pain. I'm a masochist. I gain pleasure through inflicting pain on myself." He grinned charmingly while looking directly at her as the two of them was walking back to Patricia's.

She blinked a few times to process what she just heard. Well, that's shocking. She was not expecting that, that completely caught her by surprise.

Just then, he bursted into laughter, "I'm kidding! I'm used to this, it's just how I fight. Okay, not really like what I did earlier, but it's somewhere along that line. The element I possessed is blood. Soooo, I'm a sort of a special case."

Emily was intrigued by that, because it was an element she had never heard of. "So, you're like a vampire? Like you know, Edward from twilight."

Her eyes were literally twinkling while she wanted for an answer.

He almost choked when he heard that, "W-what? Who's that? Wait, now that I think about it, to a certain extent I guess I'm similar to a vampire, but not like the one you mentioned."

"So, you drink blood?" She asked another question almost immediately.

For a moment, his gaze was a little melancholic, but he forced out a smile to cover his dark expression. "Drinking blood is like a boost for me, it can be good for my body at times, but I haven't drink it for around five years now and I don't think I want to drink it again."

Emily noticed that hint of sadness in his voice, so she did not pursue further. She did not want to stir up any unnecessary memories for him.

Both made their back to Patricia's house and she went to her room to sleep. She was just too exhausted, "Things are just gets crazier and crazier, huh."

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