~~~Theater is Dead. Licht killed him~~~

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A/N: I wanted to say thank you @Drawing_Ato for tagging me! Sorry it took me so long. I couldn't figure out how to tag you. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

"Let's have a movie night!", responds a certain cheeky Servamp. (Y/N) looked up from her manga in detest.



"Because I said so."

"You don't loooove meeee~!", Lawless whined before plopping on the couch next to her. (Y/N) just rolled her eyes at his childish behavior. The only response Greed gave was nestling his face into her lap. Her cheeks stained red, and her thin eyebrows furrowed. His low whimpers were muffled by the (H/C) haired girl's lap.

"Fiiine...", (Y/N) sighed in defeat before closing her book. "Just one movie okay..."

"Yay!", Lawless cheered standing straight up, and taking off towards Licht's room. "LICHT, GET OFF YOUR ASS, AND LET'S GO RENT A MOVIE!! WE'RE HAVING A MOVIE NIG--"

"SHUT UP!", the voice was followed by the sound of a vase shattering against a solid matter.

"Those two I swear."


"How about this one?", Lawless asked holding up a DVD copy of Phantom of the Opera. Licht, and (Y/N) groaned causing the Servamp to blink with confusion.

"What's your guys' problem?"

"I don't know. Maybe our problem has something to do with you constantly having us watch that movie? I'm already sick of it...", Licht spat earning a glare from the blond. Their glares intensified although they were ignored by the girlfriend of Greed.

"How about we all agree on this movie? I mean it's got that cheesy romance you like so much, Lawly. And it involves killing vampires, Li-Li.", (Y/N) smirked holding up a DVD with a cover that made both boys grimace.

"That's just sick...", Lawless muttered frowning at the pathetic joke his lover made.

"Were you not in a vampire/human relationship, rotten hedgehog?"

"Yeah, but at least I don't shine bright like a diamond! I turn into my animal form when I'm in the sunlight! Not a damn diamond!"

"I already planned on which movie we could watch.", Licht said blankly before pulling out a movie from behind his back. The title "Boku no Pico" sent terror into the Greed couple.


"BURN IT!!!"

In the end the Greed trio watched a anime movie called Summer Wars. It was both romantic-ish, and involved action. It was a great story that Japan had created. Although, if it weren't for Licht, and Lawless constantly bickering throughout the movie, (Y/N) would have enjoyed the movie.

~~~The Greedy~~~ (Lawless X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now