~~~A Daddy Hedgehog+A Baby Hedgehog=Cuteness Overload!~~~

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"He's so adorable! He can be the next American Prodigy I just know it!", Will gushed over the baby Servamp before taking the infant into his arms.

"Will, he's not even a week old yet. Wait until he's older before you decide to manage him.", (Y/N) giggled earning a pout from her foster dad.

"Shouldn't I be happy that I now have a grand baby to spoil? I've never had a grandson to spoil until now!"

"Are you forgetting you have a biological son named Brandon?"


    (Y/N) facepalmed at his oblivious confusion. Will may be afraid to admit it, but he loves his son Brandon just as much as he loves (YN). He just finds it hard to manage Brandon as well as he manages his own adopted daughter. The front door burst open, Lawless, and Licht struggled into the apartment complex with hands full of bags containing baby clothes, plushies Licht had picked much to Lawless annoyance, and toys that their friends had bought for them. Sadly, Misono had insisted on (Y/N) keeping the dress he had bought to the point that Romeo, the child of Greed was forced into wearing the pink ribboned porcelain dress.

"Daaa...", Romeo giggled while watching Lawless dangle one of the crib hanging toy sets he had bought. A round toy that resembled a foam donut caught the big red gaze of the one day newborn. Romeo grasped the toy in his small hands before biting down on his it with his gums. The donut toy was soft enough not to hurt him, indicating it was some kind of foam-like plastic material.

"Awww, he's going through his oral phase, (Y/N)! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!", Lawless hugged his distracted son tight enough not to hurt him, but still bring the two closer.

"I love him too. I wish I could have bought all these toys for him. That way when Romeo is old enough to question who got all these toys for him I can say you were a deadbeat dad, and I was the awesome mommy who spoiled him to death.", (Y/N) snickered at the stunned pout Lawless had given her.

"Now that's just plain dirty..."

"You know I was just kidding!", (Y/N) laughed, pecking his lips. Lawless grinned before quickly kissing her back. "Lawless, is it possible that Romeo can change into a hedgehog just like you? I know he's part Servamp but does his human blood prevent him from having your powers?"

"How should I know?"

   The (H/C) haired American sighed heavily before getting up to put away the items Lawless had bought for their dark prince. One bag had caught her wandering eye. There was a book containing the adventures of many famous fairy tale characters. Although these fairy tale stories she had never heard. The exterior of the book contained a gothic Lolita design, something (Y/N) liked. It's not like she thought the book was inappropriate or anything. It's just.... The ending of the story was very dark to say the least. It wasn't like the ending where Cinderella married the prince. More like the prince had dumped Cinderella to flee with her wicked step-mother.

"(Y/N)!!! COME HERE!!!", Lawless yelled from the other room in panic.

"WHAT IS IT?! WHAT HAPPENED TO ROMEO?!", (Y/N) shrieked looking for her possibly hurt son. What she was greeted with was a baby hedgehog resting in the teary-eyed Servamp's arms. Licht cringed at what was supposed to be a cute moment turned sour.

"That's highly revolting... A demon holding a baby angel is highly unforgivable.", Licht growled after Lawless had stuck his tongue out at the eve.

"You're just jealous you didn't get to nail (Y/N) when you had the chance."

"Lawless!!", (Y/N) burst with flush cheeks.


   Now the cute scale was charged past the top. (Y/N) stared at the two hedgehogs with heart shaped eyes. It was time for the (H/C)nette to get out character.

"You two are so cuuuuuute!"

"Of course we're cute. We both have the same genes!", Lawless proudly exclaimed before changing back into his human form.

"More like he's got my genes than yours, Lawly..."

'These two are going to be the death of me. I hope that kid knows how to handle himself. His parents are more likely going to cause him problems than Romeo causing them problems.", Licht thought watching the playful argument between (Y/N), and Lawless. 

Romeo, I hope you're lucky enough to survive living with these two, because I know I definitely can't stand them.

~~~The Greedy~~~ (Lawless X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now