~~~School Trip II~~~

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"Hey, (N/N)-- Eek!", a certain green haired subclass shriek before shrinking behind Mahiru. Sakuya shook as he glanced at the hedgehog that laid peacefully in his other best friend's arms.

"W-What's that thing doing here?!"

"Sakuya, you can cut the cowardly act, and act normal. Everyone here already knows you're not as innocent as you look.", Mahiru sighed giving (Y/N) a apologetic smile.

"Aw, come on, Mahiru! It's not everyday I get to act like a normal human being...", Sakuya rubbed the back of his neck with a uneasy grin.

"You kinda do that everyday..."(Y/N) began pouting cutely earning a adorable squeak from the blushing hedgehog. That squeak turned into a evil hiss when Sakuya wrapped a arm around the female's shoulders.

"You know I've been wondering this for awhile, buuuut...", Sakuya trailed moving a finger in a circular motion in the air. Mahiru was starting to fear for his friend because... well... because of the crazy Servamp of Greed threatening to kill him if he didn't unhand (Y/N). Sakuya leaned to whisper into the American's ear with flushed cheeks.

"Is it completely yellow? Or brown? Or does it have the colors of a banana? Ya know where it's brown on the tip, and the rest is yellow?", Sakuya whispered causing (Y/N) to flush deeply. It may have been her dirty mind getting stuck in the gutter, however something told her that her best friend might be suggesting something really perverted... In all honesty the eighteen year old hoped she was wrong.

"W-What are you talking about?", (Y/N) whispered back while gaping at Sakuya. Sakuya groaned already tired of her being oblivious.

"You have had sex with him before, right? I'm talking about his hair! The hair that isn't on the head-- OW! MAHIRU, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!", Sakuya held the back of his head where Mahiru had hit him with a thick textbook.

"You should know better than to ask (Y/N) about Lawless' pubic hair. Thanks to you being a complete pervert we lost our class throughout the museum...", Mahiru placed his textbook into his backpack before starting the search for the group of peers.

"That seriously hurt... And I'm not a pervert!"

"Yes, you are!", (Y/N) giggled, sticking her tongue out, and bolting away from the annoyed green haired teenager.



"Juliet...", Hyde whimpered as his red eyes gazed at the white ceiling above him. He thought watching Romeo while his beautiful girlfriend went to school was a good idea. Until the greedy boyfriend started missing his lover dearly. It didn't help that Licht keeps teasing him about the possibility of (Y/N) leaving him for his other counterpart.

"Julieeeeeeet!", Hyde reach his arms out in front of him dramatically before  placing them back towards his sides. Licht glared at his emotionally unstable Servamp from the kitchen. Would the world be a better place if the angel had wiped the two copies of Greed? The answer is maybe.

"What the hell is wrong with you this time, rotten hedgehog?"

"I miss my Juliet! I want her in my arms, and her delicate kisses! But she gives it all to that bastard! I hate him so much!", Lawless screamed causing his abusive eve to smirk.

"You do realize that you're calling yourself a bastard, and that you hate yourself, right?", Licht chuckled. Lawless clicked his tongue in vexation.

"And your point is?"

"I'm just glad you realize the truth about who you are..."

"Fuck you! And no, that isn't a compliment, jerk!"

"Trust me, I would have killed myself if it was.", Licht finished the conversation by going to his room. After Hyde heard his door slam, he immediately ran straight to the door. Without a care in the world, the Servamp of Greed ran on the path leading to the mansion that contained his passionate lover. Little did he know that his other half was there. Otherwise Hyde would have turned back.

"I'm on my way, Juliet!"



"What, Lawless?", (Y/N) asked finally noticing the Servamp pulling on her bow tie. Her attention was directed towards a old painting on the side of the wall. In the painting was a girl who resembled herself with a familiar hedgehog resting in her lap. (Y/N) couldn't stop fear from eating her. In that painting was her. She was sure of it. Under the painting had a nameplate with the words "Princess (Y/N), From 1781-1801" carved in it.

"Lawless... Is that me?"

  Before Lawless could answer Sakuya and Mahiru appeared behind her. Both of them smirked at (Y/N) much to her confusion.

"Soooo, are you two lovebirds enjoying your date?", Sakuya spoke causing Lawless to blush in shock.

'Is this really a date?!', Lawless' mind shrieked.

"No, this is a school field trip. Remember Sakuya?"

'Dammit... there goes my hopes, and dreams...', Lawless thought with disappointment.

"Aww... Way to kill my reputation of being a annoying big brother..."

"Sakuya, you're not mature enough to be the older sibling."

"Ouch! That was cruel, (Y/N)!"

"Enough, you two! Haven't you guys noticed it's a little bit more quiet than usual?"

"Isn't it because we're inside a museum? Usually these places are quiet..."

"That's a library, dumbass...", (Y/N) shrugged at his stupidity.

"Stop being mean to me!"

   Just when the teasing was getting good, the playful mood was interrupted by a certain person. A person who was supposed to be under surveillance by a certain angel. (Y/N) shrieked when she felt a pair of arms pull her into a tight hug. Lawless squealed in surprise after he was dropped to the ground. The past Servamp of Greed grunted turning into his human form. Everyone stared in shock at the teary-eyed Hyde hugging (Y/N).

"I finally found you, Juliet! I missed you so much~!"

"(Y/N), what's going on?! Why are there two copies Lawless here?!"

   (Y/N) didn't know what to say... All she did know was that the eighteen year old girl just took a train to hell. Because that's where she's going to die with embarrassment in.

~~~The Greedy~~~ (Lawless X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now