~~~Attraction of the Unknown~~~

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I want to change.
I want real friends who don't have a reason to use me for my fame.
I want to be that kind of person who can walk casually on the sidewalk without fans,and paparazzi attacking her from left to right.
I want to play video games, and read manga without worrying about how little time I have.
I want a boyfriend who has no reputation of being a stuck up jerk.
And more importantly, I want to live a normal teenage girl life.

'Only if that was easy...'

   (Y/N) was an eighteen year old girl who always wanted to live a normal life. Thoughts like the ones before always flashed through her head whenever she was alone. The (H/C) haired girl slumped back into her chair after letting out a long sigh. Her (E/C) pools had dark circles under them. All (Y/N) ever wanted was to get a full nights sleep. Unfortunately, her schedule as the most talented angel of America never ceased to update live appearances. Yes, (Y/N) was a star that no one could ever reach. Even (Y/N) had a hard time grasping her true self. Could it be that she was afraid of disappointing those who depend on her? Or is she afraid of disappointing herself by making a small mistake? No one ever knew. Only God knows what's in store for the talented prodigy.

"Miss. (L/N), you're on in five minutes!", Will, (Y/N)'s manager hollered while chasing after a runaway hedgehog. Security men followed him while (Y/N) sat there too stunned to say anything.

'Where did that hedgehog come from? Weird...', the eighteen year old thought while she closed the door to her dressing room. Immediately her cheeks flushed while thinking back to the adorable critter. 'It was cute though...'

   While walking towards the stage, an intimidating boy with an angel-winged backpack walked passed her. Her (E/C) pools didn't notice the intense gleam of a pair of blue sapphires glare at her as they passed by one another. The host's voice vibrated through the hollow walls of the stage. The audience clapped after a minute the host finished.

"And that concludes the excellent piano performance of Licht Jekylland Todoroki! And now our last act for tonight involves the talented American actress, (Y/N) (L/N)!", the host finished cheerfully. (Y/N)'s eyes widen letting anxiety consume her.

'A-Actress?! I was supposed to perform a musical number tonight! What the heck did William tell them?!', (Y/N) was in the process of choosing which theater art to re-enact while the girl appeared on stage.

Things that (Y/N) never knew about herself. One, there are a few people that actually cared about her. Like how her manager Will considered (Y/N) his daughter. And her new friend Mahiru Shirota treated her like his sister. Two, she can do anything as long as she puts her mind to it. And shockingly, the third thing that (Y/N) (L/N) has never known about herself is the lovestruck gaze of a certain pair of crimson pools watching her perform a scene of Lady Macbeth's appearance on stage. This human girl was the second person to ever make the heart of the eccentric vampire melt. Lawless of Greed knew what action he should take after the show.

I will make this girl mine. Once, and for all.

~~~The Greedy~~~ (Lawless X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now