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"(Y/N), are you alright in there?"

"Yeah... I'm fine, Will... Just a little car sickness..."

    Today was the day (Y/N), and Licht officially went on a tour together. It was originally planned that both musicians would travel on the same bus together. However Will, and Kranz didn't agree on that due to a dark history (Y/N) has had with Licht, and Lawless. Even though Lawless had won the war the Greed pair waged on each other, they still fought over (Y/N). That is why Licht, Lawless, Kranz, and the infamous whale mascot Gil are traveling in another bus, and (Y/N), Brandon, and Will in the other.

    Lawless was reluctant to go with his eve though. Stating that he would rather enjoy his girlfriend's company than his abusive Eve's. (Y/N) couldn't help, but feel that she had dodged a bullet. If Lawless had seen her so ill, he would have stopped the bus, and took her to a nearby hospital. He was always a drama queen.

"(N/N), your boo is calling you! Should I answer it?"


"Jeez, I was joking... whoops! I accidentally answered it--"

   At that (Y/N) jumped out of the bus' bathroom, and crashed onto a familiar smug looking Servamp. She squealed when she realized who it was. And it wasn't the good kind of squealing if you know what I mean.

"L-Lawless...! W-What are you doing here?"

   Lawless blinked before lifting the two of them off the ground. Him standing, and her resting in his arms. The Servamp of Greed slowly began to walk to the back of the bus.

"Kranz told me you were sick so I rushed over here as fast as I can.", Lawless grinned, and gently placed (Y/N) into the bottom bunk.

"That was very kind of you... Thank you.", her voice was so soft and sweet that Lawless felt smitten.

"It was something a boyfriend should do... Besides, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you.", Lawless sat on the side of the bed deep in thought.

"Trust me, you won't lose me. I'm fine now. So, I should probably go practice with Licht--"

"Hell no. You're going to lay here, and rest. Expect a lot of pampering while I'm here~!"

"You're going to be the death of me..."

"Hey! That's not nice--"

   (Y/N) let out a sound of pain before clutching her stomach. Her belly felt like someone had just stabbed a kitchen knife ten times in her. It was far worse than a normal stomach ache. She turned on her side to lessen the agonizing pain. Lawless placed a hand on her back, rubbing it to comfort her. It was clear to (Y/N) that Lawless has never gotten a stomach ache before, and honestly doesn't know what a normal stomach ache looks like. To him, the excruciating pain she felt was normal.

"Shhh... it's okay. I'm here..."

   It was weird how after Lawless had spoke the pain had vanished. Now her stomach felt bubbly. Or in her own words fluttery. It was a very odd feeling that (Y/N) wasn't all too familiar with. But it feels as though she was familiar with that feeling.

"How about I get us something to eat... Does soup sound okay? In the meantime I'll see about getting you some meds. What are your symptoms again? Nausea, vomiting...", Lawless trailed off while trying to remember what he heard from Kranz.

"Pain that feels like someone's stabbing me ten times in the stomach...", (Y/N) finished Lawless' sentence. Lawless blinked in confusion before narrowing his eyes.

"I'm sorry. What was that?"

"I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to my stomach ache..."

"Oh, that's normal. The people in Ophelia's kingdom would get belly aches like that all the time."

'But didn't people in your time have the Black Plague or something?', (Y/N) thought as she began to panic. She wasn't dying, right? There's no way she could be... Right?

"I'm heading off. I'll be back very soon. Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone."

"Shouldn't I be saying that to you?"

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. Lil' Angel is busy which leaves you to myself for the time being. I'll see you in a bit, my love.", Lawless kissed (Y/N)'s forehead before exiting off the bus. As soon as he left the pain came back. She yelped while holding her abdominal. (Y/N) began to worry for her safety...

Because she knew in some way she was slowly being killed off by something.

~~~The Greedy~~~ (Lawless X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora