~~~The News~~~

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"Gil... Do me a favor, and put me out of my misery....", (Y/N) directed her exhausted gaze to the stunned blue whale mascot. Gil just stood there unsure, contemplated on what he shall do. Will sat in a roller blade chair in the corner of the hospital room. Before he can say anything a female doctor who went by the name of Miko came in, holding the results about (Y/N)'s condition. Lawless had thought it would be a good thing to tell the hospital that he was married to (Y/N) and that her last name was now Hyde. That way he won't have trouble visiting her after visiting hours are over. The sick woman couldn't help but envy her boyfriend's carefree attitude. For all she knew she could be dying. However the big smile on the doctor's face told (Y/N) otherwise.

"Mrs. Hyde, I have your test results right here. Congratulations! You're in three months of your pregnancy! I'm sure you, and your husband are excited!"

'WHAT. THE. HELL. I'M GOING TO KILL THAT SON OF BITCH!!!', (Y/N) glared at the ecstatic woman with pure anger. Sensing the hate in the (H/C) haired woman's eyes, Dr. Miko had scurried out of the room. Will chuckled, increasing (Y/N)'s anger once more.

"You should be happy, (Y/N). You two are bringing a new life into the world to share your love with.", Will spoke with a kind smile. Kranz had finally came back with some food for them.

"I apologize for the wait, everyone. MgRonald's ice cream machine stopped working. I had to drive all the way to another MgRonald's to get what you wanted, (Y/N). What did I miss?", Kranz apologized handing her the Oreo Mgflurry.

"You miss the part where I'm going to beat the living shit out of Lawless...", (Y/N) grumbled taking a spoonful of Oreo ice cream. A knock caught everyone's attention. Lawless open the door with a huge grin.

"Babe, I brought some friends along to see you--", Lawless shrieked slamming the door shut when a cup of Oreo ice cream was thrown at him. The contents splattered on the door, and continued to slide onto the tiled floor.

"GO TO HELL!!!", (Y/N) screamed while Gil tried holding her down before she killed the Servamp. Behind the door stood Mahiru, Misono, Kuro, Hugh, Tetsu, Lily, Licht, and a teary-eyed Hyde.

"(N-N/N)-chan threw ice cream at me!!", Lawless whined, causing everyone to shrug at his childishness.

"No shit Sherlock. You got her knocked up with a demon spawn.", Licht glared at his Servamp partner with a annoyance.

"I would be pissed too if I had to carry your kid...", Kuro shuttered at the thought of another mini Lawless running around.

"Not funny, brother! What am I going to do?! (Y/N) hates me!", Lawless cried while Lily was trying to calm him down.

"Everyone calm down, and think rationally! If Miss (Y/N) is pregnant with your offspring, Lawless then there's a likely chance she will have intolerant symptoms...", Hugh spoke effectively calming the group down.

"Intolerant symptoms?", Mahiru questioned. "Do you mean she'll experience difficulties during pregnancy?"

"Most likely... A lot of subclass offspring would cause problems for the mother while she's carrying them... Like extreme pain in the stomach. Or coughing up blood. Most of the time the kids drain their mom's energy while she carries them.", Kuro answered, shocking Mahiru with his knowledge.

"Coughing up blood... She did that earlier today...", Licht frowned at the horrible memory. It hurt him to see her in so much pain. Lawless noticed the pained frown on his eve's face. Not liking one bit of it.

"Don't worry, Angel cakes. It's not like any of them died after giving birth. So, my Juliet should be fine~!", Lawless purred the nickname he had given her, earning a hateful glare from Licht.

"I'm going to kill you one of these days..."


"(Y/N)-chan~!", Lawless purred hugging his American girlfriend's slightly swollen stomach. It has a only been a week since they had sexual contact, and she already looked three months in.

"You better take responsibility, you idiot...", (Y/N) mumbled while looking away from puppy eyed gaze of her vampire boyfriend. She hated the fact that her pregnancy was accelerated. But it could be a good thing. That meant she could hold her baby a lot sooner. It's not like she didn't want the child. No, she just wished that she could have waited until she was little older to have kids. (Y/N) was only eighteen years old. The (H/C) haired girl wasn't even sure if she was ready to be a mom or not. She didn't know how to take care of children properly, and didn't have the materials to take care of her child. Good thing Lawless would be there to aid her in the time of raising their child.

After the visit to the hospital, Lawless had taken her out shopping for maternity clothes, and some every day baby supplies. They had bought a baby monitor, a baby bottle, and crib big enough for triplets. They didn't decide to buy clothes for the baby since (Y/N), and Lawless weren't sure which gender it was, and they didn't want to find out until their little one was born. However that didn't stop them from trying to pick names from the baby's name list.

"I like Emilia! Or Victoria! No, how about Alice!? That's a great name, right?!", Lawless yelled excited to finally be able to have a kid with the woman he loves.

"Lawless... How about we think of boy names for now. I have this gut feeling that our kid is going to be a evil twin of you...", (Y/N) sighed when the Servamp had given her a pout.

"But I want our baby to be a girl. That way I can spoil her, and kill the boys she brings home..."

"You mean you will beat the boys she will bring home."

"No, I definitely mean kill.", Lawless said with a creepy grin.

(Y/N) face palmed, causing the vampire daddy to chuckle obnoxiously. Why did she try to correct him even after knowing what the maniac truly meant?

"I love you, Juliet~!", Lawless cooed kissing the top of her swollen stomach. (Y/N) let a hand brush his golden blonde hair.

"And I love you Romeo."

But I'm still going to beat you for knocking me up...

~~~The Greedy~~~ (Lawless X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now