~~~Servamp of Vanity~~~

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"W-What? You're joking! I must be dreaming! There's no way I'm a vampire!"

"You are not dreaming, and you are a vampire. I wouldn't joke with you about something serious, my love.", Lawless finished kissing the back of the (H/C)nette's hand. Her face paled after it dawned on her that Lawless was indeed telling the truth. The mood was killed when a huge grin spawned on her face.

"THAT'S AWESOME!!", (Y/N) cheered pulling a stunned Lawless of Greed into a hug. Lawless didn't like where this was going. (Y/N) had no clue what disasters were waiting for her in the end. He had to make sure that she wouldn't get too attached to the idea of being a vampire like him.

"(Y/N), you shouldn't be so happy about this!"

"Why shouldn't I? I get to live with you for a very long time! I wouldn't be able to if I had stayed human!"

"No, (Y/N)... That isn't exactly a good thing! You'll have to live with seeing so many of your friends die! That's not something to be happy about--"

"What the hell are you two yelling about?", Licht walked into the hospital room along with the Servamp crew.

   (Y/N) grinned at the group after noticing the gifts each boy were holding. Tetsu was holding a body sized teddy bear with a plush heart sewn on it. The words "Get well soon" were written on them. Hugh had a bouquet of blue roses in his hand. Mikuni was holding a small pink spotted white cat plushie in his hands. Jeje had custom made paper bags in his hands. (Y/N) assumed the deformed face on one of the paper bags was her face, but it was the thought that counts. Misono, and Lily had the maids brings in twenty vases of red roses, and Mahiru, and Kuro had brought a simple white rabbit plushie. All of them gazed at the couple with hopeful eyes as if they were competing for something.

"How are you feeling, Ms. (L/N)?", Lily inquired for the smiling female's health with a kind grin.

"I'm feeling great right now. I have my entire family here. Plus I'm happy you guys cared enough to see me let alone give me these awesome 'get well' gifts. Thanks you guys!", she smiled causing everyone to let out a sigh of relief.

    Lawless couldn't help feeling guilty about not bringing his beloved anything. However seeing Romeo's sleeping form in Kranz's arms reminded the shakesphere geek that he had brought (Y/N) the greatest gift in the world. Unfortunately, that type of subject should be pushed to the side so another mystery can get its needed attention.

"Big bro, I've been meaning to ask this for awhile now. How is it possible (Y/N) had became a Servamp to begin with? I thought you had killed our creator in order to stop the process of other servamps being created... I know C3 had asked us to, but I thought that was another reason why you did what you did."

"It's too much of a pain to think about it...", Kuro shrugged his shoulders while drifting his tired red eyes away from his little brother.

"Now that we're trying to answer questions. How about someone answer mine? What were two yelling about earlier?", Licht glared which urged Lawless to do the same. Everyone became uneasy when they watched the Greed pair have a mental battle with each other.

"You really don't trust me, do you, Licht?"

"How can I trust you when you've given me no reason to?"

"You know what, Licht? Your blabbering is starting to piss me off. How about I kill you right here, and now?"

"There's no way you're going to kill me. I'm a ang--"

"Yeah yeah... I get it already! You're a stupid angel blah blah blah! I'm going to get straight to the point here! So listen well! I. WILL. KILL. YOU. Don't even try to stop me, idiot!"

"I should be the one saying that to yo--"

"Guys, can this wait? I seriously need to get changed. This hospital gown is sticking to my skin like I've been sweating in it for over a week...", (Y/N) peeled the fabric covering her breasts off. Not enough to unveil her matured breasts, but enough to have some air travel inside the gown.

"That's because you have.", Hugh replied wishing he hadn't heard such information. "You've been asleep for over a week now."

"S-Seriously?! I've been asleep for that long?!"

"At least you didn't sleep for over a hundred years like Link...", Kuro replied earning confused looks from his siblings while Mahiru facepalmed. "It's a Legend of Zelda reference..."

"Anyway... We need to focus on the reason why (Y/N) had became a vampire. Obviously, she isn't a subclass. How can any of the Servamps be able to give her blood when the doctors had been trying to save her life moments before she died?", Misono said earning everyone's attention.

"That's a good point... Wait, weren't you guys already dead when you became Servamps?", Mahiru asked.

"Well... Yeah, our creator used corpses so they can become Servamps in the future. It's like how you humans say vampires are of the undead or something like that.", Lawless said in a carefree manner, waving his hand in a up and down motion.

"I will probably have to ask Yuki about that. In the meantime I think (Y/N) needs to rest. She did die after all.", Mikuni said winked, smiling down at the blushing American. Lawless glared threateningly at the blonde antique shop owner.

"I need to go help my parents at our inn. I just got a text from my dad saying he wants me to come home."

"Then we shall be off! Rest well, Ms. (Y/N).", Hugh climbed up onto Tetsu shoulders.

"See you guys later! careful on the way home, okay!", (Y/N) waved as the pride pair left the room. She failed to notice that Licht, and Kranz had went god knows where. The sloth pair had caught the (H/C) haired girl's attention before she could notice the musician and his manager's absence.

"Yeah, it's getting late. I have a test tomorrow, and Kuro still needs to clean the mess he made in the living room.", Mahiru glared at the shrugging Sleepy Ash.

"I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach could not answer the phone right now. Leave a message after the beep--", Kuro was interrupted by Mahiru grabbing his hood, and dragging him towards the door.

"Come on, Kuro! You are cleaning that mess whether you like it or not!"

   (Y/N) watched as her two best friends leave. The eighteen year old let out a giggle after watching the amusing sight of her big brother being dragged away by her little brother. They always did bring a smile to (Y/N)'s face. Lawless watched her with a smile. Her laugh was like cute little  bells chiming in the wind. It was like music to his ears. His smile dropped when he noticed his little brother's snobbish brat snickering at him.

"Let's go, Lily. We will leave these two love birds alone."

"Misono?", Lily questioned puzzled by his eve's sudden suggestion of leaving. Did he not say before he wanted to wait until everyone left to question (Y/N) (L/N)? Even if Lily believed they should stay, he followed his master's order. After the lust pair left, Lawless growled in Discontent.

"Damn brat... What's his problem?!"

"Huh? Something wrong, Lawly?"

"It's nothing... Don't worry about it."

   Ignoring the Servamp's sour behavior, (Y/N) turned to gaze out the windows. The starry night sky shined bright despite how much light flowed in the city streets. There was thing (Y/N) knew that none of her friends knew. She was indeed a vampire, but not just any vampire.

She was the Servamp of Vanity.

"I hope you didn't forget about me, and Abel, (N/N)-chan~!"

"Kyaaaaah!! What the heck is that?!"

"Don't yell at my Abel like that! You're yelling at a doll! That's creepy!"

"S-Shut up, Mikuni..."

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