~~~Repeat of the Past~~~

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"(Y/N)!", Lawless panted as he slammed the front door to look for his pregnant girlfriend. (Y/N) glanced up at him from the couch with a flustered glare. A plate of blueberry waffles with a mountain of whip cream on top sat on her stomach. It appeared she was giving into her cravings again.

"Whaaaaaat?", (Y/N) drew out before taking a fork, and picking a waffle, eating it whole. Pieces that were weren't able to fit in her mouth dropped on to her clothed chest. Lawless was disgusted by her sloppy appearance. "I'm going to be like this for awhile so get used to it, Lawly."

"Babe, we don't have time for that! We have to get out of here! C3 is planning to kill you!!"

"C what now? Is that a new video game community or something? If it is then I totally want to join."


"I am being serious about this. I seriously want to join.", (Y/N) laughed, still not taking this situation seriously.

"(Y/N), we have to run away! Come on!", Lawless begged tugging the (H/C)nette towards him. His red eyes showed fear of what was going to come. That same fear seemed to spark unforgettable memories in him. Memories that Lawless wish he could forget. It was as though the past was trying to repeat itself.

"Lawless... You're really serious about this... Aren't you?", (Y/N) gave her vampire boyfriend a sympathetic look, brushing away his tears with her thumb. Lawless nods his head to agree with what (Y/N) said. He leans his cheek further into welcoming palm.

"What's going on here?", Licht had walked into the room with a puzzled glare.

"Licht... Something has happened.", Lawless glared at his eve while trying to fight back the tears that threatened to spill.

"C3 is planning to kill (Y/N)."

~~~The Greedy~~~ (Lawless X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now