Act II is out!

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Summary: This is the second act to ~~~The Greedy~~~. (Y/N) (L/N) had finally lived the life of a normal teenage girl. Now, despite being the Servamp of Vanity, had just recently turned twenty seven. (In human years) (Y/N) has one son named Romeo, and two twins whom prefer to be called Kathy, and Julie. Kathy is the obnoxious energetic older twin, and Julie is the quiet shy younger twin. Now having to deal with her new life as a mother, and wife wasn't exactly something she planned. Well, (Y/N) didn't think their lives could get dragged into the chaos known as the Servamp world. Now the Greed family has to band together to fight against these trials. Will they make it out alive? Or will the Greedy fall into despair?

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