~~~Angel Cakes~~~

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'Why am I doing this again?', Licht stared intensely at the shaken brunette in front of him. 'Shouldn't that damn rat be doing this?'

"L-Licht, why is it you decided to come see us all of a sudden?", Mahiru stuttered while trying to hold his ground only to fail once the violent angel intensified his glare. Licht sighed before looking at the wooden floor below his black boots.

"I came here to ask for help... From all the seven demons, and the angels the demons had forced to form a contract with."

"But Kuro didn't force me to--", Mahiru deadpanned when he noticed his Servamp, Kuro, mentally begging him to not continue his sentence while he stood behind Licht. "On second thought, nevermind... I'll go contact Misono, and hopefully everyone else. I know I should ask why, but I know you have a good reason to ask for help from everyone. And even if I did ask you wouldn't tell me."

"Good, you seem to understand how things are run here. Just what I expect from another angel like myself.", Licht spoke while drifting his cold blue gaze away from the teenage boy.

"Yeah yeah... Kuro, do you know where I put my cell phone?", Mahiru asked while looking around the kitchen table.

"Not really...", Kuro sweatdropped while playing on his dark blue Nintendo 3DS.

"Great! How am I going to anyone if you won't get off your lazy butt, and help?!"

"You can use my cell phone. You know that kids number, right?"

"That kids name is Misono, Licht."

"Does it look like I care?"

'Rude much?', Mahiru thought as Licht handed him the angel's cell. The chocolate haired male quickly dialed Misono's cell phone. A couple of rings went off before stopping midway.

"Hey, Misono, its Mahi--"





   Kuro, and Licht just watched Mahiru have a heated argument with Misono for what seemed like hours. However in reality it was actually just thirty seconds. After those seconds were used up by trash talk, the whole atmosphere had calmed down. This time Misono was listening to what Mahiru had to say.

"Anyway, that's why I called you... Licht seemed really worried about something, and wants our help."

"Do you think something happened to the Servamp of greed again?"

"No, not that I can think of. Licht's seems fine. Way better than how he felt when Tsubaki had kidnapped Lawless."

"I'll contact my idiot of a brother, and see if I can get a hold of Tetsu. Lily's going to try to get a hold of the Servamps of Wrath, and Gluttony. If he can't get a hold of those two than that just leaves us.", Misono spoke with a passion of determination.

"Lets meet up at Tetsu when everyone has been contacted."

"See you there."


  Mahiru hung up, and gave back Licht's phone. A worried look adorned the Raven musicians feats. Kuro was trying hard to ignore the two at the moment. His main focus was directed towards his video game.

"So... What did he say?"

"We're going to try to contact all the Servamps, and their eves. Hopefully the Servamps of Gluttony, and Wrath agree to help.", Mahiru gave Mr. Jekyll a friendly grin.

"Good...", Licht shrugged unsure of what to do next.


"Lawleeeeess, I'm hungry!", (Y/N) whined while slumping on the red couch. Lawless was too busy trying to contact all of his subclass, and order them to protect (Y/N) while he had dealt with C3. The baby wasn't making it much easy for the poor girl. Her once (S/C) skin was dreadfully pale, and her (E/C) eyes were slowly becoming blood shot. Food was needed ASAP.

"I'll get you something from the kitchen in a second, babe. I just have to talk to Gil in a moment.", Lawless said before walking to the blue whale mascot. (Y/N) watched as the Servamp whispered in where she assumed was Gil's ear. Her (E/C) gaze drifted towards her swollen stomach with a weak smile, rubbing the swollen lump with affection.

"Don't worry, my little one, daddy will get food for us in a moment...", (Y/N) glared after realizing he's taking his sweet time talking to Gil. "If I don't kill him first. What's taking so long?"

"Here you go, babe!", Lawless sang holding a bag of donuts in her face. (Y/N) blinked before tentatively taking the bag from the blonde's hand.

'He must have sensitive hearing... One moment I see him talking to Gil, and then when I mention killing him he's up in my face... Either that or he drank too much coffee.', (Y/N) thought after opening the plastic bag of delicious sweet donuts.

"Thank you, Lawly."

"You're welcome~!", Lawless pecked her luscious pink lips. "I hate to say this, but I have to leave to meet up with some people. So, Gil's going to keep you company, okay."

"Okay...", (Y/N) gave a pout while she watched her beloved exit the scene.

   What is he planning? (Y/N) glanced at Gil who only stared back at her. Suspense wasn't something she learned to handle very well. That's why (Y/N) can't watch a single horror movie with Lawless. The reason why would have to be Lawless scaring her during the frightful scene of the horror movie. The sadistic vampire had found it adorable how his little Juliet can be so scared by such a insignificant matter.

   (Y/N)'s stomach growled loudly. Her fingers took ahold of a donut before moving it to her mouth, biting down on the baked sweet. Her tastebuds tingled at the taste of the charming delicacy. All of sudden, her eyelids felt heavy. Before her eyelids closed a thought went through her head.

'Lawless, what kind of mess did you get me into....?'

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