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Ever since the day Jimin found out about Yoongi hyung, the hospital made him stay a couple more days just to make sure he wasn't going to do anything irrational. He felt like that's smart on the hospital's end because he definitely has these thoughts running through his mind.

He doesn't know what to do anymore now that he lost another friend. Yoongi hyung and him are finally getting closer and just like that: he's gone. Yoongi hyung saved him and he'll never be able to thank him and he'll never be able to talk to him anymore. This group continues to grow smaller and smaller. What if...? Jimin shakes the thoughts out of his head because he doesn't want that to happen. Not at all.

The day Jimin's released from the hospital, his parents take him home to Busan instead of taking him back to the boys in Seoul. However, Jimin is completely restless in his own home. He doesn't sit down; all he does is pace around the house and pace his room. His parents worry for him and one day, his eomma asks him what's wrong.

"Jimin-a, I know something's wrong. Why haven't you been sleeping at night?"

Jimin freezes in his place. "I-I miss my hyungs, eomma. I wanna go back."

Jimin's mom stares at her son, concern plastered all over her face. "Are you sure about that? Are you okay to be living there? I mean..." Her voice falters and trails off.

"Eomma," Jimin wraps his arms around his mother's waist. "I feel like I'm dead when I'm not with my hyungs. I love them very much and they're what keep me strong. Besides, I moved to Seoul to make my dreams come true; I'm not about to let that go to waste."

She nods slowly and rests her head on Jimin's. "Just promise me you'll be careful and safe. Okay Jimin-a?"

"I'll try my best," Jimin releases his mother and starts going up the stairs. He stops in his tracks and turns around. He rushes towards his mom and kisses her forehead. "Goma woyo eomma. Saranghae."

She smiles. "I love you too. Now go pack your things. I want to be back before dinner time."

•  •  •  •

Namjoon, Seokjin, and Hoseok sit in the living room of their home. The heavy reality that they lost three members settles down in their stomachs and in their hearts. Three members: gone in less than a year. They don't know what to do and the fact that they almost lost Jimin alongside with Yoongi puts all of the boys on edge. What're they going to do to protect Jimin? Yoongi tried it and look where he is now.

Seokjin buries his head in his hands and sighs. "I don't want to lose Jimin as well... I won't have it."

Hoseok breaks from his trance and gazes at his hyung. Namjoon's hand lingers over Seokjin's shoulder, hesitating to make contact with his hyung. He finally decides to rest his hand on Seokjin's back and rubs it. "Hyung, we're not gonna lose Jimin. I promise."

"How can we be so sure? What if he falls back into his depression? What if he stops eating? What if he doesn't want to talk to us ever again? It's been three weeks since he's been released and no phone call, no text, no email, mail, visit. We haven't talked to Jimin since the day he found out that Yoongi—" Seokjin's voice gets caught in his throat.

"That Yoongi...is gone..." Hoseok looks down at his hands. Faint scratches line his hands as the scars heal. His mind flashes back to the night it all happened. Hoseok stares at Seokjin sadly; he's so grateful to have someone like him in his life to protect him.

"Guys: Yoongi hyung isn't completely gone. Neither is Taehyung nor Jungkook. They're all still here." Namjoon stands up from his seat next to Seokjin. "We can't give up..." The other two boys sit in shock as they notice Namjoon crying. "We can't just give up..."

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