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Jimin wakes up before everyone now. He even wakes up before Seokjin hyung and that man wakes up extremely early. He walks over to the kitchen, takes two apples, and starts eating one. Leaving the house, Jimin walks around the city which has become a daily part of his life. His restless heart desires to wander the streets of Seoul in the hopes of seeing Taehyung. He knows it's impossible, but he always hopes to see the cheeky grin of his best friend again.

He drifts to the coffee shop that Taehyung and him used to spend countless nights studying for an exam or just hanging out. The coffee shop he used to loiter in during Taehyung's shifts; the coffee shop that lead to that fateful day of Taehyung meeting his long lost brother. Every time he walks in the store, all the workers look at him with sympathy and some of the workers have the saddest eyes on their faces because they all worked with Taehyung. He doesn't even have to order anymore; they hand him a latte and a muffin, free of charge, but Jimin still leaves his money in the tip jar. This cycle has been going on ever since they had to inform the coffee shop that Taehyung would no longer be working at the coffee shop. Jimin didn't have the heart to do it so he got Seokjin hyung to do it.

Sitting in the farthest corner—away from their usual spot at the booth near the front—Jimin sips his latte and watches other people bitterly. He hates the couples that he can hear laughing and smiling; he hates the friends that treat this place as their hangout and they can come here any day and every day; he hates the people who come here alone, but they know they have someone to be with because they secretly smile into their coffees; he hates the people who are bitter and angry with the world because at least they have someone to argue with to feel that way. He hates the fact that everyone in this goddamn store has a friend they can go back to and he just lost his.

"Looking at them angrily isn't going to make them disappear," Yoongi states as he stirs his coffee.

Shocked, Jimin chokes out, "H-hyung..." He stares at the older boy, confused as to why and how Yoongi is awake at this time of day. He's usually still passed out in the room he shares with Seokjin hyung.

He takes a sip of coffee. "Oh I'm sorry. I forgot to ask. Do you mind me sitting here?"

Not knowing what to say, Jimin just shakes his head no.

"I know what you're thinking: how am I awake?" Yoongi smirks slightly. "Well you see Jimin, it's not that hard for me to wake up; I just choose not to because I love to sleep. Sleep is a beautiful thing. My best thinking comes from my sleep, especially my dreams. Where do you think I get my ideas for songs and lyrics?" He pours a bit more sugar into his coffee. "But when I am up early, I'd like some coffee to wake me up. Besides," he sips his coffee, "we have an early practice today, so might as well get moving to the studio." He gets up and opens the door. Yoongi motions with his head that Jimin should follow him.

Frozen in his seat, Jimin doesn't know what to do. He's especially confused by his hyung's gesture. It's not like Yoongi hyung isn't approachable, but Jimin's never really seen this side of him before. He hesitates, but he follows his hyung out the door.

Jimin's hyungs allow him to do whatever he wants. That's how it's been for the past couple of weeks. He knows why they let him, but he kind of wishes that they didn't, to be honest. He wants them to give him his space but at the same time, he wants someone to comfort him; he wants someone to be there for him. Who wouldn't want that? "Hyung, just notice me...," he mutters under his breath.

Yoongi turns his head slightly. "Did you say something Mochi?" He uses the nickname a fan gave the younger boy. No one else calls him this except Yoongi; he doesn't know why, but he likes it a lot.

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to know what time practice started," he says monotonously. His disinterested voice kicks in.

"It starts in ten minutes. We'll be there in five." Yoongi looks forward again and continues to walk. He sighs as he knows exactly what Jimin said. His chest wrenches in pain as he replays the words over in his head. Of course I notice you Jimin, but do you notice me? I'm trying my best to help you, but you don't notice everything I've been doing, Yoongi thinks. His fist clenches into a ball as he tries not to cry in front of the younger boy. Everything he does now is for him. The day the incident happened, Yoongi promised to protect Jimin at all costs, even if that meant the extremes. "Hopefully, you realize everything I do is for you Mochi...," he mutters under his breath.

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