[converse high]

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It's been two months since Kookie's birthday and Taehyung has been going to university while taking up a night shift at the coffee shop. It's walking distance from his apartment and the university anyways. It's stressful and all but if Taehyung wants to fulfill his dreams for both his brother and himself, he needs to work hard for it. After all, his father practically disowns him and renounces his title as his biological parent, so Taehyung works in order to maintain his slot in the Korea National University of Arts and his role as tenant as well. Thank God Jimin is there to be his roommate because he'd never be able to do this by himself.

After an excruciatingly long shift, Taehyung is about to close shop when last minute stragglers stumble in for their late-night studying energy boost. Feeling empathetic towards the high strung college students—since he's one of them—Taehyung puts his apron back on and moves behind the cash register. Besides, maybe he can rack up some good tips for serving them at closing time.

All of these people seem to want the same thing: mocha latte with two shots of espresso, black coffee, coffee with a couple shots of espresso. Espresso, espresso, espresso: the caffeine-induced rush that allows any student to pull an all-nighter for exams and essays. The last of the customers walk up and Taehyung recognizes him.

"I'd like a caramel macchiato," he smiles as he takes out the necessary cash to pay.

"Th-that'll be 500 won," Taehyung stutters.

He hands him over the money and says, "Keep the change."

Taehyung stares wide-eyed at the large amount of money he has in his hands. 15,500 won. That's a huge tip. Everything starts to click in Tae's mind. "Uhm, sir, wouldn't you like change back?"

"V, I know you know my name; it's JK and aniyo. I want you to consider that as your tip." He stuffs his hands in his pockets as a sign of resistance, indicating that he won't accept his own money back.

Instead of arguing with him, Taehyung turns around and starts working on everyone's orders. He'll have to deal with this boy after he satisfies the rest of the customers. Once Taehyung gives the last of the coffees, he notices that JK disappeared. He still hasn't made his caramel macchiato and this man has the audacity to vanish into thin air. Angrily, Taehyung creates his favorite concoction for the missing customer.

Taehyung sighs. "One caramel macchiato." He pauses. "One caramel macchiato for JK."

"I'll take that from your hands," a whisper by Taehyung's left ear startles him and makes him drop the cup.

"Shit!" Taehyung yells as the scalding hot liquid hits his favorite pair of converse. Forgetting about the burning sensation on his feet, Taehyung says, "I'm so sorry. I'll make you another one. Just give me a couple of minutes." He frantically takes a mop and starts to clean up the mess; Tae takes a bunch of paper towels and wipes his shoes and notices that he spilled some coffee on JK's shoes too.

JK chuckles. "You have good taste in shoes."

Taehyung contorts his face into one of confusion but realizes what he means as he looks at the shoes he's cleaning. JK is wearing the same exact pair of converse shoes as he is. He grimaces at this epiphany while JK just laughs. Out of embarrassment, Taehyung stands up and starts working on the second cup of caramel macchiato for JK.

"Sorry for making you drop the coffee."

"It's fine. It was my fault."

"Well, you can buy a new pair with your tip now," JK teases.

"Nah, I'll just clean them with bleach," Tae mutters.

"Oh. Uhm okay...I guess you'll find other ways to use that tip then." JK takes his phone out. "Hey, do you think it'd be weird to get your number?"

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