[one night in a strange city]

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During breakfast the next morning, there's a new aura amongst the five boys and everyone knows it. Hoseok is messing around with Namjoon while Seokjin scolds Jimin for not eating enough. Yoongi stares at four of his best friends in front of him and smiles. They all notice that Jimin is finally going back to the way he used to be: happy.

"Uh...hyungs?" Jimin mutters.

Everyone stops what they're doing and looks toward Jimin. "Yes Mochi?"

He plays with his hands as his cheeks turn bright red. "I was wondering if all of us could go on an adventure this weekend..."

"Where to?" Seokjin asks while he tries to break up the fight between Hoseok and Namjoon.

"To Busan."

"Is there a special occasion?" Hoseok speaks up as he smacks Namjoon's shoulder. Seokjin is still unsuccessfully trying to break up the two.

Jimin's cheeks continue to redden, which takes Yoongi by surprise because he didn't think that was possible. "Uhm no! Not at all," Jimin looks away. "I just...I just want to go on another adventure with my hyungs, that's all." He bites his lip and his expression changes. "That is if everyone wants to go. I mean, if you don't want to, we don't have to. I just thought—"

Yoongi cuts him off. "Of course we wanna go Mochi. Do you have everything planned or do you want me to do it?"

"Oh no hyung! I have everything sorted out. I got everything figured out last night. I already talked to our boss and everything's arranged. Don't worry about it."

"Okay Mochi," Yoongi smiles. "I'm looking forward to this."

"Me too," he returns the smile shyly. Jimin gets up and says, "If you don't mind hyungs, I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Go ahead ChimChim," Seokjin says sweetly. He glowers at the two still wrestling at the dining table.

Once Jimin leaves the dining room, everyone smacks Hoseok. "Babo!" Yoongi laughs.

"What did I do?" He whines.

"Jimin wants us to go to Busan this weekend cause his birthday is this week!" Yoongi explains. "It's actually this Friday, so I'm gonna assume that we're gonna be going early Friday morning so that we can enjoy the day with him. If he's got that day planned, then fuck it. We'll plan Saturday and Sunday. Unless he's got those days planned as well." Yoongi places his hand under his chin.

"How about we just come up with a back-up plan for both of those days just in case. We won't do anything that requires reservations so then we don't have to cancel last minute nor do we have to place them," Namjoon reasons.

Yoongi claps. "You finally said something logical."

"Hey, stop bringing that day up. I wasn't thinking; I was under a lot of stress and pressure that day."

"Does it really matter?" Seokjin scolds the two. "We just need to make sure that we make ChimChim's birthday a memorable one." He sniffles. "Cause we finally have him back..."

Everyone looks at the eldest boy and they all smile as they see him crying. Yoongi realizes his vision is getting blurry as well. In that moment, all four of them cry together, sharing a beautiful moment where they understand and accept the idea that Jimin wants them to be a part of his life again. They all know that it takes time to heal—none of them are completely over the situation—but they don't want Jimin to alienate them from his life.

Yoongi wipes his cheeks and giggles a bit. "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's figure this shit out. For Mochi," he smiles.

"For ChimChim!" They all yell.

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