Chapter 26

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You soon arrived at the wall and made your way up. You sighed as you gazed at the view. You then turned to Reiner and Bertholdt.

"If anything bad happens promise me you won't transform unless it's completely necessary, okay," you said to them in a hushed tone so no one would hear. They then walked off to talk to some others.

"Hey (y/n)," someone said and you turned to see Armin who had an anxious expression on his face.

"Hanji wants to talk to you," Armin said and you nodded.

You walked over to Hanji and Moblit.
"Armin said you would like to talk ma'am," you said to her and she nodded.

"(Y/n). Take a look at this," Hanji said and held out a shard of the hardened that Annie had produced a few times in her titan form. "Do you know what this is?"

"It looks like the hardened skin on the female titan," you stated.

Hanje then stared at you for a bit and Moblit stood behind you causing you to get anxious.

"That's interesting that you know that," Hanje said.

"I encountered the female titan on the expedition," you stated.

"But Armin said that he didn't see her use that ability when you were around her and he was with you the whole time," Hanje replied.

"But I was there at Wall Sina," you said.

"Your job was to report to HQ when the black flare came up and the black flare was shot when the winged titan showed up but you were suppose to be gone when the female transformed," Hanje said and you began to feel anxious. "How did you know about this when you've never seen it? Or were you always there the whole time, Winged titan."

Your eyes widened and you began to back away but Moblit grabbed you shoulder.

"Bind her arms so she can't transform," Hanje ordered.

"No. There must be a misunderstanding," you yelled as Moblit tied your arms behind you and held you there. "You can't do this. I've saved people. I've never killed anyone."

Everyone turned and looked at your commotion. Sasha, Connie, and Krista who is now Historia stared confused while everyone stood on edge. Reiner, Bertholdt, and Eren stared with concern expression. Mikasa was cold while Armin looked guilty.

"That may be so but you helped a traitor escape," Hanje said.

You began to cry. "I believe in change and helping people without anyone getting hurt."

"Well tell that to the court. And don't think you're two friends are safe either," Hanje said and you immediately understood what she was saying.

"Forget what I said. Just do it now. They're going to kill us. Even if we try to reason with them they won't understand. We're warriors. Do what you have to do," you yelled and everyone stared confused except for Reiner and Bertholdt.

Reiner lifted his hand to his jaws but then Mikasa leaped attacking him and Bertholdt.

"Kill them before they transform," Mikasa yelled and slashed at them drawing blood.

"No!" You yelled and tried to pull away. "Eren. Mikasa. Armin. We grew up together. We played together, we worked together, we are like siblings. Don't do this please!"

"You made your choice, (y/n)," Eren said.

"Even in that titan it was always me. I never wanted anyone to get hurt. You're a brother to me," you said to him.

"I'm not your brother," Eren said coldly.

You stared at him and tears fell down your eyes making him feel a bit guilty.
"You're right," you said. "My brother is dead. He was killed and I don't know why yet but I do know this. The titans broke through the wall to try and find me, to bring me home. Your father kidnapped me and took me from my home. Made me forget everything and now it's all clear. I remember everything but I'm still me and I still care about you so please. Don't do this."

"It's too late," Eren said and then lightning flashed.

You both looked and saw the Colossal titan and Armored titan standing there.

"You're right. It is too late," you said.

It's never to late.....I think

Reunite (Reiner X Reader)(titan shifter)Where stories live. Discover now