Chapter 1

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You returned home with Mikasa and Eren from collecting firewood. You sat down to eat lunch and looked over at Mrs. Jeager.

"Ma. What're the plans for today now since we finished our chores," you asked. Mrs. Jeager has always been a mother to you ever since they found you.

"You don't always have to ask every time once you're done with your chores. You can do what you like or would you rather help me?" Mrs. Jeager said and smiled.

"So, Eren wants to join the scouts," Mikasa said out of no where.

"No son of mine is joining the scouts. Get that thought out of your head," Mrs. Jeager yelled.

"We can't stop the boy from being curious. Now I'm off," Mr. Jeager said and walked off.

"Bye pa," you said softly and then felt the tension between everyone else.
Eren the ran off and Mikasa and you followed.

/smol time skip\
"Eren. If you join the scouts I want to as well," you said.

You, Armin, Eren, and Mikasa were sitting together. Eren had just run away from home and wanted to talk.

"What?! I'm not trying to drag you into this," Eren said and then everyone around us was in panick.

"What's going on," Armin asked and we all stood up and looked over at the wall.

"Oh no," you said softly seeing a giant titan peek over the wall. It then kicked down the wall and titan started to get it.

"Eren. We have to go," you yelled.

"Our house is that way! Mom!" Eren yelled. Him and Mikasa then took off.
You were about to chase after them but Armin grabbed my hand.

"We need to go. We should tell Mr. Hannes to help them," Armin said. You nodded and the two of you took off.

/Time skip to boat\
You and Armin sat on the boat and then saw Eren and Mikasa get on. You ran to them.

"Where...where's ma," you asked.
They just stared at you with pain all over their expressions. You began to tear up.

All the sudden a big armored titan ran through the wall gate crushing through it. The titans could now get it. The armored titan stared off at the boats and releases steam from its jaws.

You stared at it in awe and fear. You've never heard of a titan like this. You then looked over at Eren who was completely angered.

"I'm going to kill the titans. Every last one," Eren said.

First chapter. Yay! I can hear the excitement....I at least hope it's excitement.
Anyways! Keep going friends.

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