Chapter 4

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Today was the day we got to work on our balance with the maneuvering gear. Annie and I have been exchanging tips on how to keep our balance so we were ready. Annie and I had become friends ever since our first day. She's not the most social butterfly but she can be very smart and kind at sometimes.

We soon arrived ready to try out the gear. You were up first with Eren, Mikasa, Jean, and Connie. Connie struggled a bit along with Jean. Mikasa seemed like an expert and Eren..... was upside down. You were soon lifted up. You kept your balance like Mikasa and only adjusted every so often. You obviously passed. Soon everyone else was done.

You stayed behind with Armin and Mikasa to help Eren out but it was no use. You then went with him and Armin to get some help from some others. Jean and Connie were of course being jerks about how Eren had talked tough about all this.

You growled and grabbed Jean by the shirt. "Just because he said something before doesn't mean you should hold it against him. It was his choice to speak those words and it was your choice to be a jerk about this so lay off," you said to him.

Jean was pissed. He was about to hit you but it was soon stopped by another hand. You looked over and saw a blond muscular boy hold onto him. A tall dark haired boy stood beside him.

"I wouldn't hit a girl, Jean. Especially if that girl can kick your ass," the blond said and let go. He then walked over to you, Armin, and Eren.

"Eren, Armin, and (y/n) I presume. We'll help. My names Reiner, Reiner Braun and that's my best friend Bertholdt Hoover," he said and then held out his hand.

You shook his hand hesitantly. 'Their names sound so familiar. Why can't I put my finger on it.'

"Wow. Annie was right. Your neon green eyes do sparkle like stars," Reiner said and smiled.

'Why do they keep saying that. And why did Annie tell them that,' you wondered and then blushed at the compliment.

"Come on. Let's head out and get to work," the boy known as Bertholdt said and then we headed off.

/Time skip to morning\
Eren had passed. It turns out his gear was broken but what was amazing is that he was able to stay balance for awhile on that broken gear. You smiled and went over and hugged Eren.

"Great job," you said and smiled.
"Thanks (y/n) but I have to give most of the credit to you. You always push me to be my best," Eren said and smiled.

"Well, that's why I'm here bro," you teased.

"Come here," Eren said and noogied you.

Other congratulated him as well. Soon the day was over and you all headed over. You nodded and smiled to Reiner and Bertholdt in thanks and then went over to talk to Annie.

Yay! Your bro passed. Good job being supportive and being great.
Now, let us continue :)

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