Chapter 20

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Once everyone got back to HQ you made sure everyone was tended to for their wounds. Once you were done you went up to the roof and sat down to stare at the sky. You were crying but you didn't for what reason.
Was it because of all the deaths, or knowing Annie is in danger, or that you could be in danger yourself. The thoughts were endless.

Soon you were pulled into an embrace and you looked up and saw Reiner and behind him stood Bertholdt. You smiled a bit and then wiped away your tears.

"(Y/n), is there something wrong," Bertholdt asked and you nodded.

"Annie," you said and they all stared in shock. "She's the female titan and I'm afraid they'll hurt her. I have to save her."

"How did you find out," Reiner asked.

"When I left into the forest I found them capture her but she saw me. She let titans eat her titan form while she escaped and went to me. I have to save her," you said and sighed. "She thinks they know who she is and I'm scared."

"How are you suppose to save her. I mean it should actually be one of us because we're titan shifters too," Bertholdt said.

"Who said I wasn't a titan shifter?" You said and then looked at them. "I'm the winged titan."

"How? Wasn't the winged titan the one who saved Eren?" Reiner said.

"Yes. Annie wanted me to so that I got the trust of the survey corps so once I arrive they'll have no idea what's coming," you said. "And she told me you two were titan shifters. I'm guessing Armored and Colossal. I've always admired the physique of the armored titan." You then turned and smiled at Reiner.

"Just be careful. Alright," Reiner said and kissed your forehead and pulled you close to him.

"I promise. I'll make sure Annie gets to a safe place and then I'll get back to you so that we can grab Eren and go home," you said softly.

All three of you sat there for a good hour enjoying each other's company until Armin arrived at the roof.

"(Y/n). Commander Erwin and Captain Levi wish to speak to you," he said.

You nodded. You kissed Reiner cheek and then gave Bertholdt a quick hug and followed after Armin.

Yay! You know they're secret and they know yours. It's called, sharing!

Reunite (Reiner X Reader)(titan shifter)Where stories live. Discover now