Chapter 2

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You stood in line in the 104th training corps. Shadis your instructor was yelling at Armin at the moment which angered you. He passed by Mikasa and Eren and a few others which made you curious.

Soon he yelled at a boy with freckles and one with two toned hair and a horse like face. And then a boy who was bald that had done the salute wrong and then a girl eating a potato. She was now forced to run till dark and her meal privileges were taken away for awhile.

Shadis then stood in front of you and stared you in the eyes.

"What's your name?" Shadis said coldly.

"I'm (y/n) Galliard sir!" You said boldly.

A few of the trainees stared at me as if they had seen a ghost. You wondered why.

"Where are you from cadet and what's with your eye color?" Shadis said with no emotion.

"I was born like this sir. And by where I'm from sir, do you mean where I was born or where I grew up?" You asked.

"Why would you ask that?" He said coldly.

"Because I grew up in Shiganshina sir but I can't remember where I was born sir," you said proudly.

"How can you not know where you were born? That's a joke. Would you like to run laps with cadet Blouse?" Shadis said staring at you.

"I don't know because I was found outside of wall Maria sir, unconscious. And no sir I would not like to run laps until dark sir," you said confidently.

"Well get back to me when you figure out where your from," shadis growled and walked off.

You stared at him as if you had been stabbed in the heart. How could he be so cold. You held back tears and then stood proudly trying to ignore your sadness. You then spotted a blond, muscular boy staring at you. You then turned away so you would not be staring.

/le smol time skip\
You were then dismissed. You sighed in relief and began to head to the mess hall to eat. You spotted a cart carrying away the drop outs and sighed.

"Some people just couldn't handle it," you said and then walked into the mess hall.

Currently listening to 'Guren No Yumiya'. Which shows you how much of an Attack on Titan fan I am.
I'm pretty great right?.......right?
Nevermind that. Just keep reading!

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