"Xin," He pulled me back when I almost enter the room, planning to pack my things, "They aren't coming back, I promise."

"Okay? Please stay." He whined when I didn't answer as he holds my hand now, "I'm sorry that they scare you." He kissed the back of my hand while muttering and I just stare at him, "Plus, I think you can fight...them?"

I pursed my lips in frustration; if I can't, I probably get raped by now.

"You should be glad that I'm able to fight a guy." I hissed in annoyance and pulled my hand away from him.

It almost melts my heart when he kissed the back of my hand while looking at me with his sparkling eyes but his one sentence just ruined the mood.

"I am," He actually agreed, "I was even surprise that I never know you can. Luckily I never did something that makes you do that to me."

"Do you want to try?" I said in annoyed and grabbed his shirt in my fist; I'm more than willing to demonstrate one more time!

He saw how I did it just now! I swear that I can make him faint in seconds if I want to!

Don't ever challenge me. Don't.

He panicked, "No!" His hands were on mine while shaking his head furiously, "You wouldn't hurt me would you?" He smile awkwardly and I let out a grumble sigh before releasing my hold on his shirt.

"Sorry. My bad to get you involve in all these." He apologizes again after that.

I turned around, stepping in to the room, "But how did you do that? You learn...taekwondo?" He asks and I hugged Lola who are lying on the bed, sleeping, "Not taekwondo, is Judo." I muttered and stare at Lola's sleeping face.

He sat down beside me, "My brother teaches me Judo." I continue on, "Brother?" He gave me confused look, "I mean, not real brother. We just treat each other like real siblings."

His name is Jun Hong. He was my senior in high school.

If my memory didn't fail me, I actually knew him when I'm 14. There's one day where people bully me and he saw it. He chased them away and almost beat them up because those people are quite harsh to me. Like pulling my hair and all.

So after he saved me, he suggested me to join Judo class in school as self-dense since he also learn it himself but hey, I'm an orphan and I don't have the money.

Having some pocket money to buy lunch is all I got and the orphanage doesn't have any extra money for me, provided that there are still many kids like me going to school and they need to fund them as well.

"So he pays the fees for you?" I nodded; he did.

He brought me to the class every weekend and told me not to worry about the money. He paid everything for me after I told him that I don't have the money to learn because I came from an orphanage.

I really owe him a lot. If he didn't make me learn Judo, I would have got raped or something or whatever a long time ago when I'm working alone outside.

Many guys were being touchy to me when I'm working as a waiter in some low class restaurant. One day that it hit my limits when a guy touches my butt and I instantly beat him up. Ever since then, no one guy dares to touch me again.

Heh, I actually got fired after a week because the boss said I chased all his customers away lol.

But hey, I'm just protecting myself. They show no respect to a girl so I ain't giving them either.

"Wow." That's the only word that came out from his mouth when I told him everything and he stared at me in awe.

"I think I should stop worrying about leaving you alone." He stated and I instantly rolled my eyes and punched his arm, "Say it one more time and I'm gonna make you taste hell!" I hate being alone now! Especially when I'm in his house!

Galaxy <银河>Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant