Stay still.

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Flashing lights blind my sight as I bite down on my tongue.

My eyes are closed, but it's still light inside my head.

It feels like someone is shining a flashlight through my brain, trying to find something.

The light keeps coming back to the other sides of my eyes, making a sharp pain run through my head.

I squeeze my eyes closed harshly, trying to get the light away.

But instead the light only gets brighter, piercing through my skull like a knife.

It hurts.

"Stop it." I mumble, wanting to move.

My body feels sore and stiff, making it impossible for me to shift positions.

I don't know why it feels like that.

Have I slept for too long maybe?

Have I done something?

I don't remember anything.

"Stay still." A voice speaks up, surprising me.

I didn't know there was somebody else in the room.

The light keeps burning through my eyes, piercing me from the inside.

I just want it to be calming and dark.

I lick my chapped and dry lips, my tongue feeling small bumps and dried blood.

Quickly, I bite down on my lips, trying to peel loose skin away with my teeth.

It hurts a little, but I don't really care.

I just want the chapped skin to be gone.

I feel something brushing lightly against my face, like a feather stroking my skin.

That can't be.

I'm alone.

Wait, no, the voice.

The voice is still here.

Something brushes against my cheek again, moving over to my jaw and stopping right over there, not going any further.

It feels like the light is only getting closer and closer, the circle getting bigger by the second.

I try to pull back, pull away from the light, but the brushing feeling at my jaw gets heavier, grabbing my face, and holding me back from moving.

"Niall, I don't want you to move."

The voice is a monotone woman's one, sounding like it has no drip of emotion.

My heart starts beating rapidly in my chest.

What is happening?

Who is this person talking to me?


The small word leaves my lips shakily, almost not daring to reach the woman's ears.

Did I really just say that?

I've never been the real curious type, why this time?

A sigh can be heard in front of me, but I feel no breath lightly blow against my skin.

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