No changes.

797 28 4

Brooks Betts is life and heaven and god and the devil and everything you've ever wished for.

I'm sorry for the late update :c



"Shut up..." I groan, pressing my fingers into my skin and massaging my skull.

"Niall please, just tell me something, anything!"

Liam is sitting opposite of me on the bed again, while my brother is standing in the corner, hands in his pockets and his eyes carefully roaming my face.

Liam decided to have the talk again, because something was obviously wrong with me last night.

But I don't want to talk.

I don't care if there's something wrong with me or not, I just want to be alone.

"I don't know what to tell you!" I shout, desperately eyeing Greg, hoping that he'll help me out.

But he just looks into my eyes in some kind of sad way, not even opening his mouth to say anything.

Liam sighs, scratching the back of his head and biting his lip.

The sight of that makes me feel weird and fuzzy inside, but I ignore the unfamiliar feeling and start fumbling with the ends of my shirt.

"Niall, I know something. I'm going to ask you questions and you will only have to nod yes or no, okay?" Liam says, looking me straight in the eye and making me feel week and small.

I can only nod, feeling my insides turning and myself to get nervous.

I don't want to answer.

I don't want to say anything.

I don't want to do anything.

I want to dissapear.

"So umm...are your thoughts and dreams about a person?"

Immediatly the woman with black eyes pops into my mind, making a shiver run down my spine.

I guess the thoughts are partly about her.

Slowly nodding yes, I play with my jeans pockets, pulling the fabric out and then stuffing it back in, over and over.

Liam thinks, before asking another question.

"That it somebody you recognize or even know?"

I hate this.

Biting harshly on my lip, I nod again.

I know for certain that I know the woman, she seems to familiar, I just can't remember.

It's been pushed far too deep into my mind, not being able to get pulled out that easily.

Liam humms, and I can see him glancing at Greg for a second.

I'm too afraid to look up, too afraid to see the emotion and the expression on my older brother's face.

What is he feeling?

What is he thinking?

Does he think I'm crazy?

Does he want to run away from me and leave me all alone again?

" these thoughts have something to do with...your parents?"


Just silence.

I can't say anything.

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