The tears in his eyes.

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Haha my little brother is singing upstairs xD

He can't sing for shit.

By the way, this (short :c) chapter is dedicated to dimasilham because of all the lovely little comments I got. Thank you c:



I bite my lip as I watch my laptop's screen light up, the blue glow being the only thing lighting up my small room.

Moving a little so my laptop is resting nicely on my pillow, I type in my password.


Yeah, I have the weirdest passwords, don't judge me.

It's just that I can't think of anything when I have to make a new password, so I just grab a book, flip it to a random page, and take the first word that comes into my sight.

The little blue loading-cirkle pops up on the screen, and I sigh.

Why can't this stupid laptop load a little faster?

I lean my heavy head on my hands, my elbows being pressed deeper into my matress.

I'm laying on my stomach, watching the laptop screen, and laying like this makes me feel a cramp coming up in the neck.

But yeah, I'm too lazy to switch to another position.

After what feels like four whole days, my background finally appears on the screen.

It's a picture of my sister, parents and me.

We're all smiling at the camera, looking like we're having the time of our lives.

I can still remember that day clearly.

We went camping with my uncle and aunt, and my mother thought it was absolutely horrible.

She kept complaining about the tents, the small creepy insects and the fact that everything felt damp and cold.

We never went camping with her again after that day.

Quite funny actually.

I quickly go to the internet, and type in the two words.

Sears Sunset

I need to know what Niall meant.

What that 'Sears Sunset' means to him.

What it is.

To help him, I have to find out a few things.

Maybe I'm invading his privacy, but I don't care, I need to know this.

I have no clue what Sears Sunset could possibly mean.

Is it something out of Niall's childhood maybe?

The screen has to load for a few seconds, but after that, all kinds of things pop up on the screen.

I quickly scan my eyes over the blue text with lines underneath it, letting the words swiftly process into my brain.

Sears Sunstet; Ireland

Detention in a hospital

Mental Health Clinic

Clinic for children with agressiveness problems

Detention during Her Majesty's pleasure

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