Merry Christmas.

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I'm so scared of the dark like seriously, every night I'm hiding underneath my blanket.

I also have this weird thing that I have to hide my ears underneath the blanket, or else something bad is going to happen :s

I'm so thankfull for the people who read this story, so I'm going to ask a second question, to know you guys better.

I know only one person will answer (you know who you are

c; ) but still.

My question is:

What are you afraid of?



I bite my lip, as I watch the tv light up the room, the shadows dancing around on the walls and the floor.

A stupid programme is on, I don't even know what it's about.

I'm just watching it to pass time.

It's in the middle of the night, but I couldn't sleep.

I kept having weird dreams about black creatures, bleeding eyes and loud noises.

Screams, beeps, growls, shots, bangs...all mixed up into one big noisy coctail.

I shiver, and bury my body into the couch, leaning my head on a big pillow.

I feel horrible.

I've been feeling really sick these past few days.

Stomach pains, headaches, everything!

It all started a few days ago.

I woke up in my own bed, feeling weird and dizzy.

I tried to sit up, but my head fell back down to the pillow.

I didn't understand what was going on.

Then Harry came in, together with Liam, asking me how I felt.

I told them I was fine, ofcourse, I'm always 'fine'.

They started telling me about the last night, how they found me in the hallway, whispering to myself and drooling.

They told me how I passed out on the ground, how Zayn wanted to call the hospital, but Louis told him not to.

That's when they carried me back to the room, leaving me to sleep.

I felt weird when they told me.

I couldn't remember anything what happend.

Well, I couldn't remember the thing they told.

I can remember standing in the cold and dark hallway, the walls getting closer to me.

I shiver thinking of it.

It feels weird.

Like it's already happened to me more than once.

Like a déja vu or something.

Since then, my dreams have been getting worse.

I can't tell anyone.

They'll think I'm crazy.

The woman.

She keeps following me.

Everywhere I go.

The woman with the closed eyes.

My eyes wander around the room, searching in the dark corners, as my heart beats in my throat.

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