Weird guy.

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I am really tired.

This chapter is just to get to know the situation of the boys, the exciting things will come later.

I promise.


(Yeah I know this chapter is crap, it will get better I promise)



I walk down the hallway with big bags in both of my hands, and look up to Zayn talking to somebody in the doorway.

"FREEDOM!" An Irish voice yells, and I sigh.

What are they doing now?

I hear some voices, an then a hand pats Zayn head, messing up his hair.

That's not a good move.

Zayn hates it when somebody messes up his hair.

Not that he's a real diva or something, he just doesn't like people touching his head or hair.

"NIAAAALL!" Zayn screams, and I chuckle softly.

Zayn drops his bags, and runs into the apartment, most possibly chasing Niall.

I sigh as I pick up his bags, close the door and dump the bags in the kitchen.

I run my hand through my hair, and just want to grab some orange juice, as Harry pops out of nowhere.

"You bought something for me?" He asks, while searching through the plastic bags already.

He's almost totally naked, he only has his underwear on.

Don't think this is a weird thing, it happens all the time.

Styles is a special kid.

"I got you a new toothbrush..."

A smile grows on his face, as he takes the yellow toothbrush from me, and skips away.

Weird guy.

But that's why I'm friends with him.

I live in an apartment with the five of us.

Five friends.

Well, not really friends.

We've known each other for a week or two now, and because we formed a little band together, we decided to buy an apartment together.

So we don't really know each other that well yet, but they all seem to be cool guys.

All I know that they're all freaking weird, Zayn and I are the most normal I think.

I think.

After I put all the bought food in the cupboards and the refridgenator, I climb up the stairs.

I'm going to shower.

I've been wanting a shower all day now already.

As I'm walking up the stairs, I can hear singing coming from the bathroom.

Shit, there's already somebody in there.

It's Niall.

He always sings in the shower.

And maybe it sounds weird, but I think it's cute.

...and pretty funny.

I start walking slower, just to listen to Niall's voice.

I wonder where he was last night.

He just randomly went out, and a few hours later we were called because somebody had found him passed out on the street.

That's not normal for him.

But then again, I don't really know him.

I don't know what's normal for him and what not.

But he doesn't seem like that kind of guy who drinks a lot.

"Liam, what are you doing?"

A Bradford accent shakes me out of my train of thoughts.

I suddenly realize I've just been standing in front of the bathroom door all the time.

"Ermm...I was just...waiting for Niall to come out..."

'...of the closet.' My own thoughts finish the sentence.

Wait what?!

What am I even thinking?!

I couch awkwardly, resulting me to choke on my own spit.

Zayn steps forward and pats me on the back.

"Woah Li, are you okay?"

I couch one more time, and then smile at him.

"Yeah, thank you. I'm just going to my room."

I walk away slowly, and when I come to my room, I close the door as fast as I can.

My heart is beating in my chest, and I have to get my breath back to it's normal rithm.

I look around, just observing everything.

What the hell just happened?!

And why am I making such a big deal about it?!

I mean, it was nothing! I just thought something weird, nothing too bad...right?

I close my eyes for a few seconds, and when I open them again, I observe the small room one more time.

I have the smallest room, but that doesn't matter, because I don't have to share it.

Niall and Louis share a room, and Harry and Zayn share one.

I don't like sharing a room.

Especially with somebody I've only known for 2 weeks.

I walk over to my bed and jump on it, right on my stomach.

Then I cuddle myself into the big heap of blankets, and roll underneath them.

I close my eyes, and slowly drift off in a beautiful sleep...

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