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So here I am on the first day of 2014, curled up on the sofa in my room.

My guitars (a.k.a. babies) are laying around me and I'm drinking a big cup of hot chocolate with little marshmellows.

Green Day is silently playing in the background and I'm busy writing another chapter of 'Dreaming'.

There's no better way to start off this year c;



I grab my head tightly and grown, leaning forward to lay my head down on my lap.

Sitting in a Lotus position makes it possible for me to totally 'face-palm' the bed I'm sitting on.

Or 'face-bed', because it's not a palm.

It's much softer.

But not soft enough to ease the headache Liam is giving me.

"Why are you asking all these questions?" I grown, closing my eyes tightly.

I can feel Liam removing himself from leaning against the wall, and moving his body over to me.

" know the doctor said you need to talk to somebody..."

He sighs, and I can hear the sound of him scratching behind his ear.

"You trust me...right?"

Do I trust him?

Am I even supposed to answer this question?

Because sometimes people ask questions, but then you're not supposed to answer.

But I can't really figure out which questions to answer and which to ignore.

"I don't know... I think so...?" I answer, not really sure of what I'm saying.

I want to look up, and see Liam's reaction, but I don't do it.

Is he hurt?

Or doesn't it matter a thing to him?

Do I matter anything to him?

Does he even want to help me?

"C'mon Niall, just keep'll remember. You just have to keep telling me stuff."

I sigh, and slowly sit up, gripping the bedsheets tightly with my fingers and not letting go.

I hesitately look up to Liam's eyes, and he looks back into mine.

His eyes are really a nice colour.

That melted chocolate colour would be the perfect place to live in.

No feelings.

No trouble.

Only the warm chocolaty colour.

Nothing to worry about.

I bet it's always autumn in Liam's eyes.

I like autumn.

Liam shakes me out of my thoughts by gently stroking my arm, giving me weird chills.

"Niall...?" He asks nicely, a light smile playing on his lips.

I suck in a deep breath, and then start to talk again.

"I remember that the house had...grey curtains, and it looked, I had already been there before..."

Liam nods, his fingers not stopping with softly trailing up and down my arm.

He keeps turning them in small and light cirkles, giving me goosebumps, even though his fingers are warm.

Dreaming- A Niam FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now