Black waterfall.

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Hey guys c:

I know not many people are reading this, but if you are, please comment.

I want to know who you lovely people are c:

Sooo...first chapter of this story I like.

I hope you like it too.



I keep tossing around in my bed, not being able to sleep.

My bed is too hot, but I'm too afraid to throw my blanket off me.

It sounds stupid.

I'm not a child anymore, but I'm still afraid of sleeping in the dark.

I've always been.

Because at night, the worst things happened.

The things that broke me, ripped me in half and left me bleading.

I close my eyes tightly, and try not to think about it, as I throw the blanket over my ear.

I can hear little noises, little giggles in the corner of my room.

My heart beats rapidly in my chest, and I can feel the hot sweat on my forehead.

I'm too afraid to open my eyes, too afraid to even move.

I'm barely breathing, as I grip the blanket tighter with all my might.

Things are crawling over to me.

Dark things.

Sharp white teeth, glimmering by the light of the moon.

I can hear them.

Hear them everywhere around me.

I hold my breath, as my heart beats everywhere in my body.

Don't move, don't move...

The giggles are coming closer, breathing in my ear softly.

Get away from me!

Shivering, I open my eyes a little.

Suddenly my whole room flashes with light, and I gulp.

Don't take me! Please!

Everything turns into blurry grey spots, like I'm watching an old movie.

I can see a movement, something black, in all those spots.

I don't want to look, but I can't close my eyes.

It's like one of those devils is keeping them open, forcing me to watch it happen.

Forcing me to see the horrible things.

I whimper softly, as I try to hide underneath the blanket, but even that can't protect me.

I can still see the light and the grey spots, shimmering around me like fireflies.

The black figure turns into a woman.

A woman I recognize.

A woman with short blonde hair and closed eyes.

I need to stop looking! I need to close my eyes!

I trie to, but I can't do anything.

I want to cry, but nothing comes out.

I just keep staring.

The woman moves, she takes one step towards me.

That one step makes the most noise I've ever heard.

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