We walked out, Caroline stomping through the bar in her clunky heels. Half way to the boys someone stopped Elena and I.

He looked at me first, "Katherine?" Then at Elena, "Tatia?"

"Um wrong people," Elena and I say at the same time.

"Come on Elena, Kenzie." Caroline said, glancing at both of us with a confused expression.

We follow her and Elena tells Stefan what happened.

By the time she did the guy was gone, of course.

That guy knew Katherine, but who the hell was Tatia?

We ended up heading to Stefans because that dude scared Elena.  I honestly wasn't fazed at this point.  I witnessed a man getting hit by a car, despite other things. 

"Having fun tonight?" Tyler asked, as we drove to Stefans place.

"Guess so, only thing I could pay attention to was your hand on me though, honestly." I blushed looking down.

He laughed then he took one hand off the stirring wheel and put it on my bare knee.

"Like this?" He slyly said, causing me to groan a tad bit with a shy smile.

I nodded and put my hand over his.

We were at a stop light when he looked at me, and I looked back at him.

Were we going to kiss? 

He pulled a strand of my hair back and leaned in.

We were inches away our noses about to touch.

I leaned in and our lips brushed.

The kiss was only a few seconds, we pulled apart.

We both smiled, then I collided my lips with his.

I put my hand in his hair while he was holding my waist. Our lips danced in symphony as our tongues massaged one another.  Moans escape my lips as Tyler gripped my hips tightly.

It began to get intense until the light turned green and cars started to beep behind us.

We laughed and I pulled away placing my hand on my swollen lips.

"Well, we will have to continue this later," He settled, earning a quick nod from me.

I blushed and there was a comfortable silence till we got to the Salvatores.

We pulled into the Salvatores, everyone was waiting for us outside, oops.

"Gosh what took you so long?" Elena asked as we walked towards them.

"Oh you know Traffic." Tyler answered before he grinned sheepishly at me.

We walked inside the Salvatores.

"Wow always wanted to see how big this place was." Matt said in awe looking around the large living room.

"Well, I guess it's a little much," Stefan said.

"Yeah I could fit my house in here like twice," Matt said, we all laughed.

"So wanna watch a movie or-" Elena said being cut off by Matt.

"Woah look at these," Matt said approaching mini car collectibles.

"These are awesome," Tyler said looking at the cars.

"Yeah I collect them," Stefan replied.

He actually collected them, he did normal and human things, how surprising.

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